polite_gandalf wrote on Feb 18
th, 2015 at 3:45pm:
you try so hard to be a troll Adam, but mostly you're just an incoherent babbler.
Why are you unable to answer a simple question Gandalf?
Are all Muslims as ignorant as yourself?
Prove to me that "Obfuscation" (which you are practising now) is not the muslim way of doing things?
You have striven hard to be a M oR on, congratulations, you have achieved your full potential, please say goodbye to these other pieces of filth on the way out of the door will you?
Grand Mufti of Australia, Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, Keysar Trad, Samir Dandan , Musa Cerantonio. Plus a lot more!
All of the Muslim Brotherhood and Lashkar-e-Taiba.
Basically take them all with you, Wally wants to go too!