freediver wrote on Apr 8
th, 2015 at 5:53pm:
Just so we do not have to go over this yet again, can you please agree that it is wrong to insist that none of the Muslims were responsible for the lies and you were in fact wrong to suggest so? You have already conceded this once, so it should not be too difficult.
No, and no I didn't. Very sneaky FD - but credit for trying it on. Here's what I conceded: "that it is wrong to insist that this absence of evidence is evidence that none of those Muslims were responsible". Now you are trying to claim this is the same as insisting that "none of the muslims were responsible for the lies". I continue to insist that none of the muslims were responsible - because I believe in the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. That is a mile of difference to insisting that the absense of evidence is evidence that none of the muslims were responsible. Maybe its too subtle a difference for you - but I don't think so. Most likely you're just once again trying to bullshit your way out of an absurdly untennable position of your own making.
Now can we get back to those awful muslims and their sinister lies that somehow created the basis of this story? Are you going to answer the question yet - are you in fact using the false logic that an inability to prove muslims didn't create the lies - is somehow proof of muslim lies? I'm dying to get to the bottom of this FD - you described this story as one that was "based on lies" and a demonstration of "muslims doing what they do" to conceal the threat of Islam. Still, after nearly 30 pages, literally all we have is "you can't prove the muslims didn't do this" and "Gandalf is the muslims (plural - I am apparently some sort of Gestalt super-being) lying - but I'll deny the list of lies I made to defend this claim - were ever meant as lies."
freediver wrote on Apr 8
th, 2015 at 5:53pm:
As I recall he predicted that hundreds of Muslims would turn up. After the event, he claimed that he had no way of telling how many actually turned up
And once again your "recollections" are sourced directly from your rectum.
Oh dear - the entire basis for FD's case against this muslim is a long list of bs that he never said.
freediver wrote on Apr 8
th, 2015 at 5:53pm:
Did he actually say this was incorrect?
FD why are you even asking? You just finished composing an entire paragraph of pure fantasy regarding what this guy said and did - why on earth would you stop now and ask for some actual facts?
freediver wrote on Apr 8
th, 2015 at 5:53pm:
Is this the same guy who insisted that there was a first line of 20 Muslims and that for "logistical and security reasons" several hundreds Muslims formed a second symbolic line behind the barrier?
Yup. And here we see FD's two-pronged method of proving muslim lies - firstly reject reported facts and make sh*t up to incriminate them, and secondly take other reported facts - accept them as gospel truth, and say "this doesn't make sense to me" (and of course refusing to read any of the actual reports to get an understanding of the facts) - and declare that its conclusive proof of sinister muslim lies - made to conceal the true threat of Islam.
Of course, for anyone else who employs the use of more than a single brain cell (and actually reads the reports on it), the idea that logistical and security contingency arrangements would be required in a highly sensitive and high profile event such as this - is not at all outrageous.
Meanwhile, FD will continue mocking the very idea of limiting the number of people forming the first line - while at the same time curiously acknowledging the presense of a police barrier to create that limitation