polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 5
th, 2015 at 11:49am:
freediver wrote on Mar 5
th, 2015 at 7:52am:
What this really shows is just how desperate Muslims and their apologists are to find a positive Islam news story to somehow offset the endless stream of Muslims behaving badly. That we have Muslims like Gandalf now insisting that the actual facts, including how many Muslims turned up, do not matter, just shows how much they are willing to abandon in the interests of spin and misrepresenting the threat posed by Islam.
The facts do matter - like the fact that there were a lot more than 20 that turned up to demonstrate their solidarity with the jews. How many of those made the symbolic ring for that particular photo-op
does not matter. Facts matter - except when they don't matter (ie are not favourable agit-prop for 'Islam is peaceful).
Reuter - your trusted wire service - reported:
Norway's Muslims form protective human ring around synagogue
OSLO Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:43pm EST
Muslims join hands to form a human shield as they stand outside a synagogue in Oslo February 21, 2015. REUTERS-Hakon Mosvold Larsen-NTB Scanpix
(Reuters) -
More than 1000 Muslims formed a human shield around Oslo's synagogue on Saturday, offering symbolic protection for the city's Jewish community and condemning an attack on a synagogue in neighboring Denmark last weekend.
http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/21/us-norway-muslims-jews-idUSKBN0LP0AG20...The facts matter but they are not reported here accurately. The facts are:
More than 1000
Norwegians gathered to watch about 20 muslims form a symbolic line in front of the synagogue and then listened to a couple of Muslims denouncing Islamophobia a propos the killing of Jews by Muslims.
Among the 1000 + strong crowd there may have been some other Muslims but they declined to join the 20 who formed the line.
The mainstream media, like Reuters, unsure of what to make of the event, reported in favour of Muslims, fabricating or slanting facts. A very loose daisy chain because a 1000-strong human shield. This was simply, factually untrue on a massive scale. It is not possible to mistake 20 or 30 or even 100 people for 1000 people. It must be a lie, not a mistake.
Muslims around the world went along with the wheeze because, as FD says, "Muslims and their apologists are [desperate] to find a positive Islam news story to somehow offset the endless stream of Muslims behaving badly." Big Media is among the apologists, that's why you, Gandalf, 'trust' them more than the guys who do not try to appease Muslims when reporting their behaving badly.
The biggest obstacle to peaceful coexistence with Islam everywhere in the West is the inability of the 'vast majority' to face, name and own the defects of Islam, both among themselves privately and when talking to non-muslims.
Muslims have what must be a doctrinally congenital inability of self-critical reflection. The ones who do exercise such self-critical reflection - the likes of Hirsi Ali et al - are denounced, hounded, threatened with death or killed.