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Men and Women (Read 884 times)


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Men and Women
Feb 28th, 2015 at 10:56am

'But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.'

1 Corinthians 11

Was a quote in another thread.

In what ways did Christ display he was 'The head of man.' ?

That's the way God wants a man to be the head of a woman.

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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Men and Women
Reply #1 - Feb 28th, 2015 at 10:59am

Who wrote it?

Not who took credit for it or attributed it?

Who actually wrote that ?

Can that be proven ?
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Re: Men and Women
Reply #2 - Feb 28th, 2015 at 11:56am

The Apostle Paul is attributed to writing it.
He reputedly wrote about 1/3 of the NT .

You can accept that or not. It's of little significance.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Men and Women
Reply #3 - Feb 28th, 2015 at 12:10pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Feb 28th, 2015 at 11:56am:
The Apostle Paul is attributed to writing it.
He reputedly wrote about 1/3 of the NT .

You can accept that or not. It's of little significance.

I don't profess to be versed in the Bible, which is why I asked

Paul has a dodgy reputation amongst many who are able to cite the Bible at length

I do agree that a ship can only function safety with one captain.  Maybe I'm wrong, but it's how I've seen the balance of power between men and women, man and wife

The breakdown in human populations has always been roughly 51% women, 49% male  (it's claimed -- none of us has done the count, so who knows).  Actually, the figure is less defined than that .. something like 50.2 women, 49.8 men.  Whatever the case, women and men are equal in number -- its' claimed.  Both have strengths and weaknesses, as we know

Not sure what I think about 'The head of the woman is man'

I can see how such a belief came about but I'm not sure it resulted in a better world, then or now

Do you believe man should be the 'head of woman' in the same way 'Christ is the head of man' ?  What of all those religions where Christ is not the 'head of man' ?

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Re: Men and Women
Reply #4 - Feb 28th, 2015 at 12:18pm

In advising women about their role in married life,  the  Buddha  appreciated  that  the  peace  and harmony of a home rested largely on women's shoulders. His advice was realistic and practical when he quoted a good number of day-to-day characteristics which a woman should or should not emulate. On diverse occasions, the Buddha counseled that a wife:

(a)      should not harbor evil thoughts against her husband;

(b)      should not be cruel, harsh or domineering;

(c)      should not be a spendthrift but should be economical and live within her means;

(d)      should zealously guard and save her husband's property and hard-earned earnings;

(e)      should always be virtuous and chaste in mind and action;

(f)        should  be  faithful and harbor no thought of any adulterous acts;

(g)      should be refined in speech and polite in action;

(h)      should be kind, industrious and hardworking;

(i)        should be thoughtful and compassionate towards her husband and her attitude should equate that of a mother loving and protecting her son;

(j)        should be modest and respectful;

(k)      should be cool, calm and understanding, serving not only as a wife but also as a friend and adviser to her husband when the need arises.

In the days of the Buddha, other religious teachers also spoke about the duties and obligations of a wife towards her husband, particularly stressing the duty of wives in bearing off-spring for their husbands, rendering faithful service, and providing conjugal happiness and heavenly bliss. This view is also shared by Confucianism.

Most modern western women would be lucky to check one of these boxes.
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Re: Men and Women
Reply #5 - Feb 28th, 2015 at 12:31pm
PZ547 wrote on Feb 28th, 2015 at 12:10pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Feb 28th, 2015 at 11:56am:
The Apostle Paul is attributed to writing it.
He reputedly wrote about 1/3 of the NT .

You can accept that or not. It's of little significance.

I don't profess to be versed in the Bible, which is why I asked

Paul has a dodgy reputation amongst many who are able to cite the Bible at length

I do agree that a ship can only function safety with one captain.  Maybe I'm wrong, but it's how I've seen the balance of power between men and women, man and wife

The breakdown in human populations has always been roughly 51% women, 49% male  (it's claimed -- none of us has done the count, so who knows).  Actually, the figure is less defined than that .. something like 50.2 women, 49.8 men.  Whatever the case, women and men are equal in number -- its' claimed.  Both have strengths and weaknesses, as we know

Not sure what I think about 'The head of the woman is man'

I can see how such a belief came about but I'm not sure it resulted in a better world, then or now

Do you believe man should be the 'head of woman' in the same way 'Christ is the head of man' ?  What of all those religions where Christ is not the 'head of man' ?

PZ - Quote:
........Do you believe man should be the 'head of woman' in the same way 'Christ is the head of man' ?  What of all those religions where Christ is not the 'head of man' ? .............

Christ sacrificed himself for mankind. He led by putting himself last. He was not violent, he protected those who were vulnerable and weak.
He did not say "....I am the boss and you will do what I say......", nor did he show that mentality.

Yes, I think man should show those values to a woman.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Men and Women
Reply #6 - Feb 28th, 2015 at 1:33pm
Christ sacrificed himself for mankind. He led by putting himself last. He was not violent, he protected those who were vulnerable and weak.

He did not say "....I am the boss and you will do what I say......", nor did he show that mentality.

Yes, I think man should show those values to a woman

Nice in theory, re: man demonstrating strength, protectiveness, altruism, etc. toward women (toward everyone) but it doesn't always manifest in reality

Not attempting to be argumentative here and of course, not just for the sake of it -- but the ideal situation is rarely in evidence, in my observation and experience

I wish it were, of course.  Would make life so much more pleasant and tolerable

An example: years ago when the children were very young, we bought one of the above-ground pools that were 'new' then.  We constructed it at dusk, had dinner, put the children to bed and then went out to finish off, including attachment of the filter

My spouse followed the instruction booklet to the letter.  And the booklet instructed that the electrical component of the pump be placed on the water-side of the pool wall

Immediately, I saw the insanity of that.  Water and electricity ?  Kids swimming around with the electrical stuff IN the water ! 

'It's got it wrong' I said. ' They can't mean what it says.  We'd electrocute the kids the minute we switched it on'

' Look at the diagram ! ' thundered spouse.  ' Look !'

' It's wrong' I replied.  ' If we did as it says to do, we'd electrocute the kids.  I'm not doing it.  The electrical part HAS to go on the other side, not the water side'

Half an hour of being told to 'Look ! ' at the diagram and instructions.  Because in spouse's mind, the pool manufacturer would know.  I would not.  The manufacturer was a 'big' person -- a manufacturer after all.  Whereas I was nothing in comparison and could not know

Became a battle.  Spouse threw the diagram on the table and went out for a sulk about being saddled with a disobedient, stupid spouse who wouldn't be told

Big sulk next morning.  All day.  Children asking when they could go for a swim.  Spouse telling them 'Soon' because he was going to put the pump in and then they could grab their kick-boards

I was ready to drop him in a pile if he dared install that pump according the instructions.  Or -- more likely -- I would collapse the entire pool and flood the yard before I'd let my children be electrocuted by an obedient dim wit

Man the head of woman.  In that case, man's head was stuffed with air

I installed the pump myself, right way around

Afterwards, spouse claimed that's what he'd intended to do anyway

Dozens of examples of the same thing

Be nice if women didn't need to use their heads because men's were better and wiser

Paul spoketh out of his bum, methinks.  Or was a raving misogynist.  Maybe he was gay?  Or insane?  Who knows

Women are half (bit more in fact) of the world's population and have at LEAST half the world's brain power

Has nothing to do with Christ

Sounds as if Paul was using Christ to justify his claims, to me

Don't mean to offend, but life is now, not two thousand years ago.  Would have been good to drag Paul to our backyard that night and get his take on that
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Re: Men and Women
Reply #7 - Feb 28th, 2015 at 1:45pm

......' Look at the diagram ! ' thundered spouse.  ' Look !'........

.........does not at all show this ..............

........ He led by putting himself last. He was not violent, he protected those who were vulnerable and weak.
He did not say "....I am the boss and you will do what I say......", nor did he show that mentality............

I am sure it turned into a war.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Men and Women
Reply #8 - Feb 28th, 2015 at 1:58pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Feb 28th, 2015 at 1:45pm:

......' Look at the diagram ! ' thundered spouse.  ' Look !'........

.........does not at all show this ..............

........ He led by putting himself last. He was not violent, he protected those who were vulnerable and weak.
He did not say "....I am the boss and you will do what I say......", nor did he show that mentality............

I am sure it turned into a war.

War on his part.  Ego.  Stubborness.  Control anxieties

No war on my part, but preparedeness

It was embarrassing.  I've posted a very abbreviated version, obviously

Initially, I tactfully attempted to discuss, as in, ' Have you seen this bit.  Does it look wrong to you? '  to provide opportunity for spouse to pick up on it and declare himself that the diagram and instructions must be wrong as result of careless translation from the original Taiwanese, if I remember correctly

When he didn't pick up on it I tidied up etc. as he sat studying the diagram and booklet - and I made little noises such as,  ' I don't know -- seems to me that maybe it hasn't been translated correctly.  I mean, they wouldn't really say to put the electrical bit in the water, would they?'

and so on

Embarrassing because women want the man to feel like the man.  Women dumb themselves down all the time so that men can be and feel the 'man'

You see it all around - women trying not to look anxious when their husband, after having a few drinks and with mates around, starts tossing a small child in the air.  I knew a man who did that.  Dropped his son who landed on a concrete floor.  The father was over six feet tall and his arms reach another couple of feet. So that little boy was dropped from about eight feet in the air.  The mother rushed to the child, cradled it, examined it for injury, took it outside because it was screaming and going blue.  She did not scream at her husband or blame him because she knew he felt horrible and gulty.  She didn't want to make him feel worse in front of his friends

Men and women do that sort of thing for each other all the time.  They are not enemies, although they're portrayed as such.  Men and women, generally, get along.  Or try to.  They want to keep the peace, most of them.  They understand or try to, each other and each other's foibles.  They are empathetic and generous

It's when things go wrong and they're subjected to pressures, many of them from outside, that they can turn on each other.  But we must always remember that Anger Is Disappointed Hope.  Puts it in perspective

Men make mistakes.  They're not born as wise, altruistic adults.  Same with women.  We're just large children.  We mess up.  We help each other out because we understand and have been there ourselves

I don't expect men to have all the answers and be all the solutions.  I might have done when I was very, very young.  And of course in movies and books, men are portrayed unrealistically much of the time, which can lead to huge expectations in inexperienced women.  But life brings with it reality.  For those women who want to believe men are all-knowing, all-protective, all-providing, etc., it's an unsustainable expectation which puts enormous pressure to perform on men

It's the same as men expecting women to be the living embodiment of the heroines in movies and books.  Women can't live up to those expectations, no one can

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Re: Men and Women
Reply #9 - Feb 28th, 2015 at 2:28pm
...........Anger Is Disappointed Hope....

I like that
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Men and Women
Reply #10 - Mar 3rd, 2015 at 7:55am
pz -  Quote:
.............Embarrassing because women want the man to feel like the man.  Women dumb themselves down all the time so that men can be and feel the 'man'

I have seen that.
More than once
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