And those which remain shall hear, and fear, and shall henceforth commit no more any such evil among you.
Yadda said.....
In fact i wish to propose a new law, be brought into being, here in Australia.
An i hope that every Australian will lobby their federal parliamentary representative, encouraging the Australian government/parliament enact this new law.
And this new law could be titled;
The Disrespect in Death, of all Criminals - Law.
This law would require that
EVERY PERSON in Australia, who was convicted of a criminal offence [within Australia], should [upon their death, in Australia];
1/ be required to be buried within Australia [i.e. no after death 'emigration'],
and to be required to be buried embracing the carcass of a dead pig,
3/ the cost of the carcass of the dead pig, to be borne by the estate/family of the dead criminal.
If the estate/family of the dead criminal are too poor, and cannot afford the cost of the carcass of a dead pig, then the body of the dead convicted criminal will be embalmed using at least 10 litres of pigs blood - supplied 'by donation', by a fund subscribed to, by patriotic, law abiding Australians.
Such a law, would have absolutely no effect upon any dead moslem person, if that dead moslem person was never convicted, of being involved in, or in planning a terrorist act, murder, inciting murder, promoting and encouraging sedition and/or treason, or, any other criminal act.
The law would apply to
EVERY PERSON in Australia, but would only apply to the deceased remains of all convicted criminals.