polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 3
rd, 2015 at 11:28am:
Someone named Muhammad or Ahmed is no more likely to be a practicing Muslim than someone named Christian or Thomas is a practicing Christian.
And the use of alcohol and drugs - forbidden in Islam - should be the biggest giveaway.
If these Muslim apes are not mosque-attending, head-banging worshippers of Allah then I'm a monkey's uncle.
Once again we have gandalf doing some sort of apologist Houdini act on behalf of these Islam-saturated immigrant vermin.
Rotherham was the other Child Sexploitation place or earlier infamy.
I wouldn't even put these Muslim offenders in jail. Just pack them up with all their extended family - including the UK-born kids - and jet them back to wherever they came from.
And then I'd have the Mother of all Witch-Hunts to find out who were the white Anglo-Saxon Leftist bastards in positions of authority who sat on their hands for
years while knowing full well what was going on.
Those found guilty of cover-up and rationalising their inactivity would receive nothing less than 5 years jail-time.
The question really does beg ~ How it is that these Muslims are being sent to jail but not one of the score or so mayors, police chiefs, councilors, Child Welfare Officers
et al has fronted court let alone received a still sentence?
That's why I say deport these Muslim offenders without needing to do any jail-time. One in ~ all in ... and that should include the bastards who shielded these rock apes from arrest and prosecution.