Title: "muslm 'donations' go to terrorists"First reply of the thread:
freediver wrote on Jul 20
th, 2014 at 8:16am:
So do government funds given to Muslim-run private schools in Australia.
A seemingly straightforward message from FD:
FD is referring to the Malek Fahd school who were found to have misused state allocated funding - paying their governing body - AFIC the funds for backdated rent and administrative fees.
FD makes the outrageously unfounded claim here that the money didn't go to where it was supposed to -
therefore it most definitely *DID* go to terrorists. I put this to FD, and said its this sort of comments that make him an extremist.
FD is now denying anything of the sort was said:
freediver wrote on Mar 20
th, 2015 at 6:18pm:
You are confused Gandalf. What you quote, and what you attribute to me, are two different things. That is why it is such a convoluted effort on your part to "quote" me saying what you insist I said.
So FD wasn't saying that government funds given to this muslim-run private schools went to terrorists?
And yet, this is how he answers that very accusation in that the same thread:
freediver wrote on Jul 21
st, 2014 at 7:22pm:
Sorry, it was wrong of me to assume that Australia's own highly respected Muslim community leaders siphon off millions of dollars from their own children's education for sinister causes. Perhaps they donated it to girl guides instead. Have you checked the receipts? I'm sure it is all in order.
I think we can safely say you are using sarcasm here right FD?
Perhaps even that is not clear enough - so FD spells it out even more clearly:
In answer the specific allegation:
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 21
st, 2014 at 7:56pm:
no one except you is alleging they went to terrorists.
FD answers with:
freediver wrote on Jul 21
st, 2014 at 9:10pm:
And sprint. Do you really think I am the first one to come up with that theory?
Oh FD - apparently you never even *MENTIONED* "that theory" - OH 2015 FD - PLEASE EXPLAIN IT TO 2014 FD - THIS WAS NEVER SAID BY FD!!!