They are legion.
They are the enemies of Western civilisation.
They are the new SS-in-waiting.
And our Western politicians are doing absolutely nothing about them for fear of losing votes and being labelled 'racists'.
Contrary to commonsense our Western politicians are working hard to prevent the voluntary deportation of the worst of these 'Moderate Muslims'.
These are the ones who want to leave Western civilisation to go help the Muslim SS in Iraq and Syria with their beheadings, immolations, stonings, throwings off of high buildings, crucifixions, mass-grave executions, sex-slavery, female auctions, and sundry other barbarities.
In total defiance of majority public opinion and commonsense, our Western governments have chosen to ensure the worst of these 'Moderate Muslims' remain living within our city suburbs as a 5th column waiting to be activated to violent jihad within our own Western homelands.
I'll say it again - the 'enemy' is not so much the worst of our 'Moderate Muslims' - but our very own politicians.