mothra wrote on Apr 8
th, 2015 at 10:00pm:
History reeks of the majority being controlled by better armed minorities.
You think there were as many Nazis in Poland as there were Polish people? As many English invaders as there were Irish?
Even the great mother Russia needed the weather to kick Germany's arse.
Why is that so hard for you to understand?
ISIS is armed. The Taliban is armed. Boko Haram is armed. Al Quaeda is armed.
The average sheep farmer is not.
But on that point ... you neglected to acknowledge my comment about who are the primary fighters against ISIS. Tsk. You know it's Muslims yeah? Armed Muslims.
The governments of Afhanistan, Iran, Iraq, Labia, S
Yemen, Sudan, Nigeria, Saudi, Syria, Iraq, etc are not sheep farmers.
Poles and Russians ad the French all had active resistance movements. Muslims don't. There is no resistance movement against sharia in the West. There is endless kvetching about the 'press is victimising us' and endless, endless excuses about how none it has anything to do wiv Muslims.
And of course there is no end to the bleating about how the bad boys a re a tiny, tiny, unrepresentative miniscule minority and how upright and peacful and brave and 'vast majority' the rest are - but hey must be the most impotent and useless 'vast majority' ever.