polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 12
th, 2015 at 8:24am:
Soren wrote on Apr 11
th, 2015 at 9:45pm:
Poor Arabs, never in charge of their destiny, always subjugated, always subservient, always exploited.
Poor Arabs. They want to be in charge but they are just not allowed by the nasty West.
Poor Arabs.
A good case in point is being playd out right now.
You may have heard of the Houthis in Yemen -
they are essentially fighting for an independent Yemen free from Saudi control.
They ousted the Saudi puppet government -Saudi Arabia responded by air strikes and mustering a huge coalition force to crush the Houthis, and reassert Saudi control.
The US has decided to back
the imperialists materially, and as a result its likely the grassroots independence movement will be crushed.
Thats just one small example of what "Arabs who want to be in charge" are up against.
Aaaaw, the poor Shia, in Yemen !!!!!
Yadda paraphrases.....
[the argument which is made by every moslem faction ------- > ]
'Whether those who oppose us identify themselves as non-moslems or whether they claim to be moslems, whoever opposes us and our views, is an infidel, and an oppressor. Because it is only we, who are the true, and pure, and rightly guided moslems.'
Isn't that correct [Shia leaning] gandalf ?
Every moslem faction on the planet [and there are probably 1,000's of them], regards itself, as the one and only 'legitimate' competitor, for the 'moslem street'.
Yadda said....
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1412206324/1#1 Quote:
The truth is that in the real 'ISLAMIC' world, every distinct moslem ISLAMIC group, is in competition with and against, every other distinct ISLAMIC group.Each and every distinct ISLAMIC group [separated by distance from each other], will assert that -
they only - are the true expression of pure ISLAM.
And therefore it is they alone, who have the right to both subjugate and to rule over every other ISLAMIC group [....even those moslems who ostensibly belong their own moslem faction].
It is true!
Yadda said....
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1410694482/49#49 Quote:Every
moslem ISLAMIC group, is in competition with every other ISLAMIC group.
There have been wars among moslems, since 2 minutes after Mohammed died.
Hamas, ISIS, Taleban and Boko Haram, all proffer themselves to the 'moslem street',
individually, as the true expression of ISLAM.
And so do the Saudis, and the Iranians.
The truth is that moslems form alliances,
with those they hate, against those they hate even more!!!
ISIS and Al-Qaeda are COMPETITORS for the 'moslem street' !!!!!
The Saudis and Al-Qaeda are COMPETITORS for the 'moslem street' !!!!!
And so it is, with every moslem group.Even moslem groups resident within Australia, tell us, that they are the true expression of ISLAM.
And if they had the means and the opportunity, those very moslem groups resident within Australia, would be slaughtering each other -
It is true!