Anthony123 wrote on Apr 16
th, 2015 at 2:30pm:
There is no such animal as a moderate musso.
You are either a musso or you aren't.
There are varying degrees of fanaticism, but even the less fanatical mussos are forbiddeen to make judgement over whatever another musso does in the name of allah.
I says so in their hocus pocus story book of lies and deceit.
Only allah is allowed to judge the works of another musso whether or not what they do is illegal.
The koan says it is righteous to wage war against non-musso's. It says so in the manual for terrorism. So you don't here the imams syaing much more than ambiguous statements and empty polli speak.
Think Goebells 1930's Germany pre WW2
What a load of tripe. Moderate Muslim have long spoken out against fanatical Muslims. Moderate Muslims have reported fanatical plants in mosques to the authorities. Moderate Muslims bear no resemblance at all to fanatics.
The Qur'an, like the Bible says many things, many of which are not applicable to today and not held as law by its followers. The Bible, for instance,says it's ok to keep slaves. We don't do that anymore now do we?
In fact, there is much in the Qur'an that forbids terrorism. There is no "handbook for terrorism" and the Qur'an does NOT say it is righteous to wage war against non-Muslims.
"“There is no compulsion in religion. The right way has become distinct from error.” (-The Cow, 2:256).
Note that this verse was revealed in Medina in 622 AD or after and was never abrogated by any other verse of the Qur'an. Islam’s holy book forbids coercing people into adopting any religion. They have to willingly choose it.