mothra wrote on Apr 8
th, 2015 at 5:34pm:
What the hell is wrong with a person who can't identify the difference between an ordinary Muslim and a raving fanatic?
There are over a billion Muslims in the world ... if they were all as some on this thread would have us think they are, there would be bombs and be-headings everywhere. There just isn't evidence for a 'death cult'.
Reality proves very strongly that the majority of Muslims are peaceful and are just like the majority of us in their desire to simply go about their lives.
The problem is with fanatical loonies ... on ALL sides. A few hateful fanatics have shown their true colours in this thread, and they aren't Muslim.
And what links the 'vast majority' and the 'tiny minority', what do they have in common?
(careful, trick question).
The discussions are always about the ideology of Islam and the degree of adherence by individuals to that ideology.
And there are no fanatical loonies on ALL sides - unless you mean all sides of Islam, shias, sunnis, alawites; wahabbis, talibs, salafis etc.
Re death cult - "We love death more than you love life" - who said that? ALL sides???