Soren wrote on Apr 8 th, 2015 at 3:38pm: |dev|null wrote on Apr 8 th, 2015 at 2:33pm: Soren wrote on Apr 8 th, 2015 at 1:21pm: |dev|null wrote on Apr 8 th, 2015 at 11:31am: Soren wrote on Apr 7 th, 2015 at 6:32pm: |dev|null wrote on Apr 7 th, 2015 at 11:33am: Are you claiming that Islam doesn't emphasize these aspects of human behavior and reinforce them with it's teachings Soren?
Every culture emphasises these aspects of human behaviour and reinforces them with its teachings. So you do not need Islam as it brings nothing new or special. Except to the people who feel it's special emphasize is important to them? Nah, that can't be right, now can it, Soren? "Special emphasis"? How special? What makes it special? A load of Hot Air. Really? Have you spoken to many Muslims about this issue, personally Soren? What were their names? Mohammad Shafia. 'Special respect' for wife, daughters. Skaf brothers - 'special respect' for women and for cultural diversity. "We have kidnappings, abductions, assaults, sexual offences. Anything that you can imagine could happen, does happen, in the name of honour," says Nazir Afzal, Crown Prosecutor for the north-west of England. "Special respect". Hizb ul Tahrir Australia - “Honour killings are morally justified”. And so on, ad nauseam. Yes, old boy, but you're forgetting Muslim drunks, ursurers, adulterers, blasphemers, apostates, and a host of other undesirables. Some are even uncircumcised, shave on Fridays and let their women get around like uncovered meat. I blame Islam.