Armchair_Politician wrote on Apr 22
nd, 2015 at 8:07am:
Not only is Milne wrong about the Abbott government "punishing refugees"...
No she's not.
Quote:...not only is she wrong about the Abbott government's policy being "cruel"...
No she's not.
Notice that I'm giving just as much substantiation to my claims as you are to yours.
Quote:...If we'd followed her lead, we could very well have seen that tragedy occur somewhere between Darwin and Bali by now and the 1,200 dead on Labor/Green's watch would likely be far higher than it is now. Milne should hang her head in shame.
Dark Irony.
The main thrust of the Coalition asylum seeker policies have NOT been devised to limit the number of deaths at sea (ie. for humanitarian reasons); don't kid yourself. They're not called `
Border Protection Policies' for nothing.
This `preventing asylum seekers from drowning' BS has been deceitfully overlaid on existing policy rationales.
If you have any doubts, just look at the conditions the asylum seekers are unlawfully detained in...
...oh wait you can't because all that info is now hidden under the `On Water Matters' directive.
[EDIT (additional): When Triggs handed down her report into conditions in those detention centres, every right wing journalist hack and politician gave her a bashing. What they did not do was RESPOND COMPASSIONATELY to the report.
What a bunch of immoral cowards.]
Remember this gem?
Quote:"We will decide who comes to this country and the circumstances in which they come".
Does this sound like Howard is concerned with deaths at sea or is he using xenophobic racism to dog-whistle One Nation supporters to come back to the Coalition fold?
Were the lies about Children Overboard told out of a concern for the refugees?
Of course not.
More recently:
Quote:"Jesus knew that there was a place for everything and it’s not necessarily everyone’s place to come to Australia".
...also sounds like xenophobic rationalisation to me (and that's without going into the
Do implications...)
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison instructed departmental and detention centre staff to publicly refer to asylum seekers as ‘‘illegal maritime arrivals’’ and as ‘"detainees’’ or "transferees", rather than as refugees, asylum seekers or clients.
hmmm. Why would they do that if they were
concerned with asylum seekers wellbeing?
Sounds like they're trying to dehumanise and demonise them; it does not sound respectful in the least.
Make no mistake, this mob doesn't give a tinker's cuss about any of them or their lives or their wellbeing or their rights.