greggerypeccary wrote on Apr 25
th, 2015 at 11:51am:
FD was right, peccahead is a hypocrite Islamophobe.
Their politics is Sharia law which has 13 make that 14 countries with the Islamic state having the death penalty for becoming an atheist.
Peccahead supports the death penalty for apostasy or he is an Islamophobe according to his definition.
The Saudis use beheading to cure homosexuals,Iran hangs homosexuals, the Islamic state throws poofs from the tallest buildings and stones them to death if they survivie the fall.
Peccahead supports the Islamic death penalty for homosexuals or he is an Islamophobe according to his definition.
Muslims and their apologists have to redefine
phobia to make a technically and logically incorrect term,all of peccaheads'cited phobia lists don't include Islamophobia,phobias are a medical condition and the medical profession doesn't recognise that bullshit word invented by muslims and taken up with gusto by their apologists. is a set of beliefs that guide life for muslims, it's a fallacy one can be phobic of beliefs.
Gandalf is on record opposing the Islamic death penalty for apostasy,does that make him an Islamophobe according to peccahead?