Political Warrior ...
Handing the Lefties their asses on a daily basis on the Political forum....
innocent bystander.... he always makes me laugh... anyone who can make me laugh is my friend...

Black Orchid - always interesting and accurate ... good in the Kitchen
Annie Anthrax - anyone who goes camping and can rough it is cool... although, I suspect she's a Muslim Terrorist sympathiser...

Lord Herbert - because he upsets the Muslim terrorists sympathisers like greggy... keep up the good work herby
Greens_Win - because he says something stupid every day so that I can call him a dickhead each and every day... thanks Greens
The Grappler - Because he'd have to be 531 years old to have done the things that he says that he's done...

Kat - he's so politically retarded he good for a laugh... but he's redeemed himself somewhat by taking on and finishing a small motor course.. a good example for some of the other loafing forum members like Greens etc....
Aussie - a genuine aussie guy - don't always agree with him but he's always helpful and will send polite PMs
Greggy and Bobby - every forum needs a couple of closet gays... always good for a laugh...