miketrees wrote on Apr 29
th, 2015 at 7:23pm:
Its probably still cheaper to let the experts (plants) do the conversion.
I'm pretty sure that if this were the case we would already be doing it.
Quote:Audi and Sunfire ... anticipate that once production is scaled up, the e-diesel will sell to the public for between 1 and 1.50 Euros per litre, dependent on the cost of renewable electricity.
With traditional diesel currently on the market for upwards of 1.50 Euros per litre in Germany, this would make the fuel extremely competitive...
Biodiesel from biomass requires that the plants be grown, harvested, processed, refined and converted to diesel. It's a relatively complex process and where would the plants be grown?
With this synthetic process, there is no large amount of waste byproduct that has to be disposed of.
The main problems with the process that I can see are a source of cheap energy (that need not be continuous) and a source of pure water. These are not insurmountable problems.