Even prior to and since the now thrown out LNP Government appointed their "Uncle Tom" as Chief Justice (the schmuck was a lousy and disrespected toe-germ Magistrate) there has been controversary.
Now, it infects the Morcombe/Cowan Appeal.
That appeal proceeded before three Judges including Carmody. After arguments had closed, it became known that Carmody had a meeting with Hetty Johnson (sp) the head of a mob called Brave Hearts (child molest victim lobby group) before the appeal commenced.
It also latterly emerged that the Morcombe parents are in regular contact with Hetty.
So.....the convicted Cowan's lawyers want the appeal reheard and Carmody removed from the process on the grounds of perceived bias.
The first cab off that rank was heard today and that was simply to determine whether Carmody himself should even be part of the discussion/decision concerning the allegation against him of perceived bias. After weeks of holding ground, today he voluntarily withdrew from hearing whether there was perceived bias.
But.....in his comments made today, he proved by his verbose loud undignified mouth that there is genuine merit in the allegation that he is of fixed and predetermined mind
Link.These words ~
Quote:He said the application to remove him did not have merit and the allegation of bias was "absurd and extraordinary".
How else can they be interpreted,
given he had to even heard the submissions about the allegation of perceived bias
, other than as a pre-determination of the issue......thus actual bias.....let alone the mere perception of it?
What an idiot we have as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland.