"every moslem in Australia is a latent, wanna-be homicidal maniac"
- Yadda
|dev|null wrote on May 8
th, 2015 at 12:40pm:
Yadda wrote on May 8
th, 2015 at 11:43am:
Why is the behaviour of many moslems, always so 'typical' ?
Why do we [who are not moslems] 'typically' expect bad behaviour from 'the moslem' ?
Because you're Islamophobic?
Hot_Breath calls me an
That is OK.
Moslems can characterise me as a person who is irrationally 'frightened', by the close proximity of moslems, if they want to.
This is how 'Islamophobia' works, this is how someone becomes an 'Islamophobe';
1/ Somewhere, moslems [because, moslems are moslems] murder someone [or attempt to murder someone].
2/ Then, someone else, is critical of moslems [being moslems].
3/ Then, moslems accuse their critic of being an 'Islamophobe'.That is the truth of it.
Moslems don't like it Moslems hate it [i assume], when people draw attention to what moslems are, and to what moslems do.
So in response, moslems try to denigrate and castigate their critics.
Moslems do this by making [usually] a false and empty counter-accusation [always using some pejorative label].
That is the truth of it.
When a moslem calls me an 'Islamophobe', it is empty 'name-calling'.
When a moslem calls me an 'bigot', it is empty 'name-calling'.
When a moslem calls me an 'racist', it is empty 'name-calling'. [....ISLAM isn't a race, 'moslem' isn't a race.]
IN CONTRAST;When i [or some other person like me], turns and accuses moslems of being members of a murderous death cult,
i can draw peoples attention to the evidence, and to the reasoning and the logic i use, to give my accusation credibility/validity.I can prove [to any reasonable person] that my accusation
IS NOT, empty 'name-calling'.
When i characterise, every moslem in Australia as a latent, wanna-be homicidal maniac, I CAN PROVE IT [to any reasonable person], USING EVIDENCE AND LOGIC AND REASONING.Dictionary;
latent = = existing but not yet developed, manifest, or active.
Yadda said....
My own ability, to recognise the criminal nature and character of the 'religious' doctrines of ISLAM, and my willingness to openly declare that criminal nature and character, does not make me a bigot.
And your own decision to disparage and denigrate me [and others] with such a description [falsely claiming that i am a bigot, because i say something which is disturbing, but truthful], is a reflection on your own moral and intellectual shortcomings, imo.
We Australians allow these
monsters to live among us.
They are called
Moslems follow a 'faith' which praises homicidal maniacs.So what do you think that most of them are going to aspire to be ???