polite_gandalf wrote on May 15
th, 2015 at 1:08pm:
hooray you wouldn't have a 'smacking' clue about who I am or who I 'give a bugger' about.
For the record - I care about any killing of innocents, not that I'm going to justify myself to the likes of you.
That is absolutely true gandalf !!!
Shame on you HooYAY
Spokesmen for ISLAM will tell anyone who will listen;THAT IT IS WRONG, AND THAT
Please watch this YT...
A UK moslem community leader, speaking in the wake of the London 7/7 bombing;
"...when we say innocent people, we mean moslems."
"....[not accepting ISLAM] is a crime against God."
"...If you are a non-moslem, then you are guilty of not believing in God."
"...as a moslem....i must have hatred towards everything which is non-ISLAM."
"...[moslems] allegiance is always with the moslems, so i will never condemn a moslem for what he does."
"...Britain has always been Dar al Harb [the Land of War]"
"...no, i could never condemn a moslem brother, i would never condemn a moslem brother. I will always stand with my moslem brother....whether he is an oppresser or the oppressed."
The example of a moslem community leader,
, speaking in the wake of the London 7/7 bombing;
FIRST speaking publicly [to an 'infidel' audience] ------- >
Quote:"......In public interviews Bakri condemned the killing of all innocent civilians.
BUT, NOW LISTEN TO THE EXACT SAME MOSLEM - SPEAKING [PRIVATELY] TO A GROUP OF MOSLEMS ------- > Quote:Later when he addressed his own followers he explained that
he had in fact been referring only to Muslims as only they were innocent:
Yes I condemn killing any innocent people, but not any kuffar."
are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind,
enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors."
Koran 3.110
With the sophistry which
we know, that all moslems engage in [examples above] when discussing any topic with the infidel, how can we [non-moslems] know that any of your declarations [on any topic] are in fact, sincere ?
I put it to you that we [non-moslems] cannot know.
This problem of
credibility, is
YOUR problem gandalf.
YOU, are the self declared
YOU, are the person who has
chosen to be [and to remain] in the 'camp' of the mendacious moslems.
Enough with this moslem sophistry!!! Dictionary;
sophistry = = the use of fallacious arguments, especially to deceive.