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Carmody ~ about to jump. (Read 3228 times)
Its time
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Re: Carmody ~ about to jump.
Reply #30 - Jul 1st, 2015 at 9:09pm
Aussie wrote on Jul 1st, 2015 at 8:40pm:
Its time wrote on Jul 1st, 2015 at 8:37pm:
Aussie wrote on Jul 1st, 2015 at 4:26pm:
And finally he has.


He has been sent way down to QCAT......the mickey mouse or kangaroo court where legal representation is not normally allowed.

Bloody idiot should never have put this State through that process.

It'd be like me accepting at my age, selection as wicket-keeper for the upcoming Tests against England.  That's how dumb he was.  Sure, just like me at cricket, he is not without some talent, but he was always way out of depth when he accepted appointment to this State's Top Judicial position....just as I would be, accepting at my age, selection as the Aussie w/k on the current English Tour.  That's probably the best analogy I can come up with.

Just plain dumb......but, let's see attention now centre on the Selectors.......Newmann and the former Boy NonWonder Qld. Attorney General Jarrod bloody Bleijie.

What government appointed him Aussie ?

The Libs.......Premier Newmann and Attorney General Jarrod Bleijie.

It would have been one of the basic reasons they were shown the door earlier this year.

Wow that wouldve been like waking up and having the job , then losing it shortly after , newman eh, wasnt he the second Lib to break a 55 year old record by only lasting one term  Wink
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Re: Carmody ~ about to jump.
Reply #31 - Jul 5th, 2015 at 1:40pm

Someone twigged to this and actively moved against the mole.  It always had a stench of treachery about it at the time of his appointment, but it has now become a tad clearer why Newmann and Bleijie plucked Carmody out of the judicial lower flood plains and gave him the State’s Lofty Top Job – Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.  The parallel between Carmody’s  appointment with that of  (the later proven to be corrupt to the core) Terry Lewis as Queensland’s Police Commissioner by Bjelke-Petersen is foreboding, not for the ultimate outcome, but because Lewis was also plucked from police obscurity.

Lewis was a Junior Inspector out in the Queensland scrub when he was promoted by Joe to the position of Deputy Commissioner of Police behind the Honest Broker, Ray Whitrod (whom Joe could not control) the then respected Commissioner.   Lewis leap-frogged in excess of 100 more senior officers to that appointment.  Predictably (especially by Joe) Whitrod resigned, and that cleared the way for the terribly corrupt Lewis, a Bjelke Petersen lap dog, to take the Top Job.  Joe then ensured a Knighthood for Lewis, can you believe?

In that sense, the appointment of Carmody has far too many similarities.

It now emerges (from an Article in today’s Sunday Mail ~ no link, it is behind a paywall) that had the Newmann Government won the early 2015 election (which they had every expectation of doing) Newmann, with Carmody occupying the Top Dog Spot, planned to harpoon the State’s Second Highest Judicial Office holder, Margaret McMurdo and remove her from the State’s Highest Court ~ the Court of Appeal where she was its President, by splitting its function into civil and criminal jurisdictions, and they intended to side line McMurdo into the proposed civil division, leaving Carmody in virtually exclusive control of each division.

There were some other administrative changes in mind having some impact on the general Community.   These included making the Office of each Judge the subject of Right to Information reviews, and of more concern, tightening up any access to Cabinet decisions through the Right to Information process.  However:

It was also planned to boost the powers of the newly appointed Chief Justice Carmody.  After removing the influence of McMurdo from the criminal division, they planned the appointment of another lower Court lap dog, District Court Judge Wall to the new position of President of the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal.  Wall is a regarded as a right wing hawk.

Overseeing each division, was to be none other than the new Chief Justice Carmody.  He, not the Presidents, was to have sole control and this meant at a fundamental level, determining which Judges heard which Appeals.   Thus, Newmann was in a position, through Carmody, to control via manipulation of the constitution of the Appeal Court Bench this State’s Highest Court, judicial determinations, with only the High Court of Australia standing in the way of anything Newmann wanted.   This is outrageous, and as serious a breach of the separation of powers as one can imagine.

There have been murmurings suggesting Carmody has been harshly received by the Legal Fraternity including his peers, with even some within the schmedia mentioning the nasty word, bullying.  There is no doubt that Carmody has been the subject of loud and consistent criticism, including from me.  However, that was not without sound foundation, given the similarities with the Lewis appointment, Carmody’s public  embrace of Bleijie’s new horrific VLAD and anti-association Laws, Carmody’s  controlling as Chief Magistrate of all bail applications under those new despotic powers, his close public association with special interest groups, his inability to muster the support of more than one (literally) Supreme Court Judge to his official appointment ceremony, his alienation of powerful orators including Tony Fitzgerald, the President of the Bar Association, his fellow Judges and even the then Crown Solicitor (a Government appointee, Walter Soffranoff, his dilatory work ethic and general demeanour.

While I fear we have not yet heard the last of all this, what has now emerged justifies in every aspect his departure from this State’s Supreme Court.   He was an Executive Government plant, a sleeper a real mole and he could have delivered the entire judicial system in this State into the hands of political control as seems to have been the Newmann/Bleijie plan.
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Carmody ~ about to jump.
Reply #32 - Jul 5th, 2015 at 2:31pm
It's amazing how these kinds of Fascists move.....

Now then... who on OzPol has been calling for a Royal Commission Into the Judiciary and Jurisprudence for some time?

(takes a bow).... the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.. and the constructs of liberty need to be washed occasionally in the blood of generations.... let us on this occasion ensure that it is the correct blood that is used for the washing, and not the blood of the populace at large, but rather that of those who need to be removed from office....
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Carmody ~ about to jump.
Reply #33 - Jul 5th, 2015 at 2:51pm
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jul 5th, 2015 at 2:31pm:
It's amazing how these kinds of Fascists move.....

Now then... who on OzPol has been calling for a Royal Commission Into the Judiciary and Jurisprudence for some time?

(takes a bow).... the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.. and the constructs of liberty need to be washed occasionally in the blood of generations.... let us on this occasion ensure that it is the correct blood that is used for the washing, and not the blood of the populace at large, but rather that of those who need to be removed from office....

I think this Carmody event ought be the last straw which brings that about.  However, I doubt the Labor Party will want that to be too far reaching as I'm sure they will have some skeletons in the closet as well.  But, the Carmody Affair ought be properly investigated in a public arena, whether that be a Royal Commission or one done through the CMC....but it must be public.  It is so obvious it demands attention.
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Carmody ~ about to jump.
Reply #34 - Jul 5th, 2015 at 6:46pm
Aussie wrote on Jul 5th, 2015 at 2:51pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jul 5th, 2015 at 2:31pm:
It's amazing how these kinds of Fascists move.....

Now then... who on OzPol has been calling for a Royal Commission Into the Judiciary and Jurisprudence for some time?

(takes a bow).... the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.. and the constructs of liberty need to be washed occasionally in the blood of generations.... let us on this occasion ensure that it is the correct blood that is used for the washing, and not the blood of the populace at large, but rather that of those who need to be removed from office....

I think this Carmody event ought be the last straw which brings that about.  However, I doubt the Labor Party will want that to be too far reaching as I'm sure they will have some skeletons in the closet as well.  But, the Carmody Affair ought be properly investigated in a public arena, whether that be a Royal Commission or one done through the CMC....but it must be public.  It is so obvious it demands attention.

Whatever way it's done,  the appointment of judges needs to be as far removed from the hands of politicians as possible. 

Judges and the courts are, after all, supposed to be the final line of defence against tyranny and despotism, which two great social evils stem from governments of all stamps in their reckless pursuit of ideology, not the aid and comfort organisation for those massive social ills, and most certainly not the compliant first line of upholding despotic legislation, and thus leaving the common person no place to go for refuge from tyranny and oppression.

Queensland, as a State, has a terrible history of imprisoning people at the behest of police policy - one learned writer and observer having pointed out that many in Boggo Road were there simply because they 'upset' Queensland coppers.

Anyone who's ever been near the Deep North of North West NSW into Queensland will know what that means - for the unlearned it means police operating without any civilised constraint with the willing connivance and even collusion of the local 'judiciary', something that was the general rule across all States of Australia for generations, and is massively long overdue for overhaul. You may extend that to virtually every area of governance that comes before the courts - and nearly always to the detriment of the Rights of, and the person of, the ordinary person.

If ever there was a need to root out the rats in the legal system - it is there - and the only way is for a government of genuine courage and integrity to go ahead and do just that.

Root Out The Rats!
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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