cods wrote on Jun 5
th, 2015 at 11:41am:
President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jun 5
th, 2015 at 11:28am:
the bees start making a new Queen and when the new queen is about to hatch... the old Queen takes off with Half of the Hive to look for a new place to live and start a new hive to build up numbers again...
does that mean you have to build another hive??? why dont they make the hives bigger in the first place??
I assume there is a reason for them being the one size??..
as they all look the same to me.
they are all around the same size, im using 8 framed hives while you can also get 10 framed hives... you can build them up or pack them down with extra boxes depending on the time of year..
the Queen will lay more or less eggs depending on the amount of food available... so if food is cut down so will egg production... as the worker bees only live to 4 to 6 weeks before dying again, its not long before hive numbers will drop..
when more food is available, the queen will split the hive and take half with her to start another hive and thereby increasing numbers all over the world... well they try... its instinctive..
as a bee keeper you have to keep a close eye out and if they are getting FULL in the hive you can stack another box on so that they can continue to pack in the honey during spring and summer.. this is excess honey and the stuff that you can draw on... you always have to leave the bees some as its "their food sauce"
Queens will rarely split the hive in their first year and some beekeepers will replace the Queen every year...
you also have an option of splitting the Hive yourself...
although the Queen seems to be running the show... if she is not performing she'll be booted out and the hive will make new queens that will perform better...
the drones (males) who's only task is to mate - will be thrown out in winter as they perform no working tasks within the hive... they are only another mouth to feed that they don't need in winter as food supplies drop... any drone cells within the hive will be taken apart and thrown out as well...
I saw this happen recently just be chance... I was looking at the hive when a large group of bees started to come out the front... when I went in for a closer look I saw this large bee... for a minute I thought it was the Queen and that she was taking half my hive away...

but then I saw another large bee and figured that they were only drones.. sheesh.. it was the first time I've seen the drones... I have not seen my Queen yet...
drone lower left of centre of pic.. he's the bigger one
worker bee
Security making short work of a wasp
new hive
Painted Hive