greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 28
th, 2015 at 5:47pm:
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jun 28
th, 2015 at 5:41pm:
Don't swallow the fear-mongering, it will drive you crazy looking behind your back and around corners your whole life.
As evinced by Soren, Yadda, Sprint,
et al.I wouldn't be surprised if those guys sleep with the light on, and cross the street when they see a Muslim.
The interesting thing is they don’t.
They don’t live anywhere near Muslim communities or know any Muslim.people. Their fear mongering is aimed at others.
Hence all the British articles they post. Sore End, Yadda, Sprint et al actually feel quite safe. Their pitch is intended as a warning of things to.come if we don’t act now and create a police state.
They know their pitch is largely made up hyperbole, but they justify this in.the creation of a neo-Nazi state.
Honky describes it perfectly above: there’s no real danger, he just doesn’t want them here.
Who? Honky doesn’t really know. For Sore End, it’s men with beards.
In the end, it doesn’t matter who they ate. Banning Muslims is just the first step in banning all difference.