President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 7
th, 2015 at 6:27pm:
in case you missed my point..
we're broke and can't even afford a clapped out Diesel Electric let alone Nuclear subs...
No, we can afford Diesel powered submarines. Australia is far from broke. We are a long way from the Greek predicament.
Quote:Labor/Green coalition put us into massive debt borrowing 100 million dollars a day.. .
And how much is the Liberal Government borrowing at the moment, Mechanic? More!
Quote:Labor/Green coalition are blocking austerity measures so we are still borrowing 100 million dollars a day...
we are not far off being another Greece...
We have massive amounts of cash in the bank, our banks are liquid with it. Greece has little cash and it shows. The ALP and Greens have acted responsibility in opposing unnecessary austerity measures while the fat cats keep there money under the Liberal Government.
Quote:if we were to build our own subs i'd take 8 years just to draft up the blueprints... and get this.. we don't have anyone in Australia that can do that job..
Actually we do. In Adelaide. They work for the Australian Submarine Corporation, Mechanic.
As much as you attempt to bag Australia and it's economy, the reality is that we are actually quite healthy and we have the expertise to build these submarines, despite everything you and the Tories might claim.