I do not think that the focus on national security and the ABC’s Q&A program has been good for the government. According to ReachTEL, the Coalition only leads Labor by 52.6-47.4 on national security - a weak result for the Coalition given all the attention they have devoted to this issue. The electorate may think that the Coalition has gone over the top on national security, or Labor’s bipartisanship could have convinced many that Labor would do a reasonable job. ReachTEL used a forced choice wording on national security; polls with an undecided option would probably have the Coalition further ahead.
On the ABC, last week’s Essential, taken before Zaky Mallah’s Q&A appearance, found that 63% had at least some trust in ABC TV, and 58% in ABC radio. While these trust numbers are down 4-6 points on November 2014, the ABC still has more trust than the News Ltd publications as reported in this week’s Essential.
A question on political commentators in the media found that 71% had at least some trust in Laurie Oakes, 51% in Tony Jones, 38% in Andrew Bolt and 29% in Alan Jones. Alan Jones and Bolt had high name recognition, with 80% recognising Jones and 65% Bolt, but low trust ratings.
In summary, it is likely that the Coalition would have benefited more from Labor’s problems over the last fortnight, but the Coalition’s anti-ABC rhetoric does not appeal to the general public.
EXPLANATION: given the tendency of greens_lie to make up unrelated thread titles to his usually pointless threads, I thought I would do the same.
Would anyone else like to make up a totally false thread heading to greens_lose wont feel alone?