Karnal wrote on Jul 3
rd, 2015 at 9:43am:
aquascoot wrote on Jul 3
rd, 2015 at 9:38am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 3
rd, 2015 at 9:26am:
Aqua talking out of his horse's arse, again.

, How have they contributed to good economic management?. please detail their achievements . shouldnt take long
How have they ruined our international reputation as a mining exporter?
I’m still trying to get my head around your earlier claims.
They trash talk coal non stop (one of our biggest export earners)
They got the new coal export facility at gladstone almost financially ruined with their crazy requirement to put the dredgings on dry land (this was a very expensive waste of money against a project approved by Bligh).
They close down industry in cape york (in this case a fight with Beattie (labor) and the local indigenous groups) with their wild rivers nonsense.
Both Howard and Rudd proposed an ETS but they wouldnt work with either and we got the on again , off again carbon tax debacle which was disastrous for business,and would have cost billions in lost investment due to greens induced uncertainty.
Business cant work with green groups.
Could you imagine business working with people with the mentality of greenswin.
They'd have one teleconference and say "WTF", we'll just invest our money in brazil, south africa or russia or india.
Business wont deal with emotional toddlers