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Flat Earth (Read 99063 times)
Gold Member

Christ Light

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Re: Flat Earth
Reply #630 - Mar 22nd, 2018 at 3:03pm

Hey NASA! Why Isn't There A Camera On The Moon Filming Earth?
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Posts: 16187
Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Flat Earth
Reply #631 - Mar 22nd, 2018 at 3:52pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 3:01pm:
SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 1:53pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 1:49pm:
So yes, airplanes DO pitch down constantly at an EXTREMELY slow rate which presents absolutely no issue what-so-ever.

please show proof of your non logical claim .. ?

The math is in the post, it's all there.  If your understand and intelligence is not sufficient enough to find it logical, I can't help that.  But don't turn to conspiracy because you can't accept the facts.

there is so much rubbish in that post one may not know where to begin ..

just about every claim you make is incorrect ..

you seem very confused and so be it ..that is not my problem as we continue ,


As for that image you posted, it depicts 3 things. Your problem is you see one of the shadows that are cast and come to a 4th conclusion not even shown.

I'll find some videos designed for children that explain a round earth for you since the basic math is too much for you to comprehend.

Clearly there is no point in trying to correct your further misunderstanding in your latest copy and paste.

You can't even grasp the concept of straight vs level flight can you?
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Christ Light

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Re: Flat Earth
Reply #632 - Mar 23rd, 2018 at 11:14pm
many blessings , you seem upset as usual ..

wonder why that is ?

is it because your belief system is being challenged ?

why bother here at all .. ?

you have put forth some evidence , albeit incorrect ,

and I have also put forth evidence and facts ..

whats the big deal ? just admit you're wrong and move on without abuse ..

yet either way be at peace as we continue ..

we are up to proof 3 .. ' land ho ' @ 6:27


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Christ Light

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Re: Flat Earth
Reply #633 - Mar 23rd, 2018 at 11:25pm
many blessings

how can these star trails exist from places like canada


canary islands


this does not make sense in a globe model

for you would have to be exactly at the nth pole to observe this point within the star trails

if you were not at the nth pole , in a globe model

it would be impossible to observe polaris attracting the star trail construct .. this is logic




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Posts: 16187
Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Flat Earth
Reply #634 - Mar 24th, 2018 at 8:08am
it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 23rd, 2018 at 11:25pm:
many blessings

how can these star trails exist from places like canada

canary islands

this does not make sense in a globe model

for you would have to be exactly at the nth pole to observe this point within the star trails

if you were not at the nth pole , in a globe model

it would be impossible to observe polaris attracting the star trail construct .. this is logic



Another thing you don't understand, substituted conspiracy for logic, and won't listen to the explanation, and will post another "question" of something you don't understand to avoid having to admit you were wrong.

Why bother?
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Christ Light

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Re: Flat Earth
Reply #635 - Mar 24th, 2018 at 9:49am
there are so many questions to the lies being propagated ..




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Posts: 16187
Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Flat Earth
Reply #636 - Mar 24th, 2018 at 10:05am
Again, your lack of understanding about something doesn't make it a lie.

It just makes you ignorant to the truth.  You had a choice to educate yourself to the facts or hold onto conspiracy to make out that the facts you don't understand are wrong, therefore you're not stupid.

You chose the latter, and you're stupider because of it.

Are you that insecure that you need to keep claiming you've "won" an argument with some random person on the internet when all you've done is prove how little you know?
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Christ Light

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Re: Flat Earth
Reply #637 - Mar 24th, 2018 at 10:27am
so many anomalies *

just about everywhere you look there are irregularities ..and if you question them people get upset ..

wonder why that is ?

NASA’s “Blue Marble” Earth is a fake
by Dr. Eowyn
When we think of Earth, this iconic image of the “Blue Marble” immediately comes to mind.


We’ll call the above image “Blue Marble I”.

From Wikipedia:

The Blue Marble is a famous photograph of the Earth, taken on December 7, 1972, by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft, at a distance of about 45,000 kilometers (28,000 miles). It is one of the most iconic, and among the most widely distributed images in human history….

The image is one of the few to show an almost fully illuminated Earth disk (slightly gibbous), as the astronauts had the Sun behind them when they took the image. To the astronauts, Earth had the appearance and size of a glass marble, hence the name.

The photograph was taken about 5 hours and 6 minutes after launch of the Apollo 17 mission, and about 1 hour 54 minutes after the spacecraft left its parking orbit around the Earth, to begin its trajectory to the Moon.

Or maybe that’s not the Blue Marble you have in mind. Maybe it’s this iconic image of a more vividly-colored Blue Marble which was released by NASA in 2002. Let’s call it “Blue Marble II”


Blue Marble II is so familiar to us in part because it was the default image on the first iPhone.


But some sharp-eyed geeks discovered “anomalies” in Blue Marble II, specifically duplicate clouds, as you can see in a cropped section of Blue Marble II (below):


The discovery of duplicate clouds has led to accusations that not only is the 2002 image (Blue Marble II) a fake, the original Apollo 17 image (Blue Marble I) was likely a fake as well. That, in turn, has led some to question whether everything NASA did and said was fake. See, for example, this post from Plane Not A Planet blog.The problem is that, in the years after the first Blue Marble photo was taken by Apollo 17, NASA has released many Blue Marbles, “Blue Marble II” being one of the best known and most popular.

As NASA explains about the 2002 “Blue Marble II”:


Data Date: February 8, 2002
Visualization Date: February 8, 2002
This spectacular “blue marble” image is the most detailed true-color image of the entire Earth to date. Using a collection of satellite-based observations, scientists and visualizers stitched together months of observations of the land surface, oceans, sea ice, and clouds into a seamless, true-color mosaic of every square kilometer (.386 square mile) of our planet. These images are freely available to educators, scientists, museums, and the public.

Much of the information contained in this image came from a single remote-sensing device-NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, or MODIS. Flying over 700 km above the Earth onboard the Terra satellite, MODIS provides an integrated tool for observing a variety of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric features of the Earth. The land and coastal ocean portions of these images are based on surface observations collected from June through September 2001 and combined, or composited, every eight days to compensate for clouds that might block the sensor’s view of the surface on any single day…. The cloud image is a composite of two days of imagery collected in visible light wavelengths and a third day of thermal infra-red imagery over the poles. Global city lights, derived from 9 months of observations from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, are superimposed on a darkened land surface map.

In other words, rendered in simple English, NASA is saying that the 2002 “Blue Marble II” is not a photo. Instead, the image is a COMBINATION and COMPOSITE of many “satellite-based observations” (whatever that means), which were “stitched together” (whatever that means) by scientists and “visualizers” (whatever that means).

In other words, Blue Marble II is a fake — which would explain the duplicate clouds.

Here’s an admission by Robert Simmon, one of the “visualizers” who “stitched together” Blue Marble II, as related by David Yanofsky in his March 27, 2014 article for Quartz, “The guy who created the iPhone’s Earth image explains why he needed to fake it“:

As it turns out, much of what one might assume about this beautiful image is not true…. It isn’t actually a photograph of earth. And that blackness surrounding it? That’s not space, either….

Simmon, a data-visualizer and designer at NASA’s Earth Observatory, created the image in 2002. He told Quartz it’s not a photograph, but a sophisticated visualization.

Images of the earth may seem commonplace, but there are actually very few pictures of the entire planet. The problem, Simmon said, is all the NASA earth-observing satellites are in low-earth or geostationary orbit, meaning none of them are far enough away to see a full hemisphere. The most familiar pictures of the entire Earth are from the 1960s and 1970s Apollo missions to the moon.

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Christ Light

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Re: Flat Earth
Reply #638 - Mar 24th, 2018 at 10:27am
As realistic as it looks, the image is a composite of four months of light data collected in 2,300 km (1,429 mi) wide bands as NASA’s Terra satellite orbited from pole to pole, and the earth rotated beneath it.

That data was then stitched together and applied to the surface of a digital ball, then modified in Photoshop.

Simmon readily admits there are numerous fakeries in his image. The atmosphere is Photoshop blur. Some of the clouds are collaged together using Photoshop’s clone tool to cover gaps in the satellite’s coverage. The black area around the earth is not the void of space. It is simply a background of black color that Simmon placed the earth on top of. (This is standard practice, Simmon says: most actual “photographs” of the earth—including the Apollo images—present the planet on a black background).

Without these alterations, the image wouldn’t look very earth-like. Simmon said he based his manipulations on reality, “in the sense that I’ve looked at a lot of imagery to see how thick should that be, how blue should that be.” But, he later added, “It’s more hyper-realistic than realistic.”

“Without these alterations, the image wouldn’t look very earth-like.”

That’s a doozy of a sentence, because our visual images of earth all came from NASA in the first place as none of us has flown into space to actually see the entire Earth.

Given the admission that Blue Marble II is a fake, we have every reason to wonder about other NASA fakeries and lies, such as the 1986 Challenger explosion (see “Are the crew members of 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger still alive?”) and whether those photos taken on the Moon are real.
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Christ Light

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Re: Flat Earth
Reply #639 - Mar 25th, 2018 at 7:05pm


Ok, I’ll tackle this controversial subject again. The video I shared that indicated the likelihood that the world in which the trees were silica based was destroyed; and our more “modern” world has carbon-based trees was controversial. It also revealed probable evidence that there has been major mining on this planet; and much of what we have been told are geological processes, are, in fact, evidence of extensive mining. These were certainly claims worth pondering, to me and many others I’m sure. What riled me, however, were the flat earth claims. Ever since discovering the account of the Norwegian father and son who sailed to the north pole, then through the center of the earth coming out by Antarctica, I become convinced that the earth is hollow. Testimony from Admiral Byrd also indicated the same thing: a hollow earth. Now, if flat, is it layered? I’m not sure that concept will please the flat-earthers; but unless we can learn to love one another and stop being enslaved by demons, we’ll destroy whatever earth we live on, no matter what the shape. We need to stop being diverted to things that do not matter, and focus on what will preserve life on this beautiful planet.
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Christ Light

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Re: Flat Earth
Reply #640 - Mar 26th, 2018 at 7:37am
yes it does ..

Moment 61-year-old blasts himself off the ground on a homemade steam-powered ROCKET at 325mph to prove that the earth is 'shaped liked a frisbee' - before landing with a bang

'Mad' Mike Hughes propelled himself about 1,875 feet into the air in his homemade steam-powered rocket  and made a hard landing in Mojave Desert
The rocket man, who believes the Earth is flat, made the launch near Amboy, California, on Saturday
The launch in the desert town east of Los Angeles, was first set for November and was scrubbed several times
The 61-year-old said that outside of an aching back, he's feeling fine after the dangerous incident
By Associated Press

PUBLISHED: 11:20 AEDT, 25 March 2018 | UPDATED: 08:14 AEDT, 26 March 2018

He finally went up - just like the self-taught rocket scientist always pledged he would in a mission to prove the Earth is flat.

He came back down in one piece, too - a little dinged up and his steam-powered vessel a little cracked up.

Still, mission accomplished for a guy more daredevil than engineer, who drew more comparisons to the cartoon character Wile E. Coyote from his critics than he did to iconic stunt man Evel Knievel.

'Mad' Mike Hughes, the rocket man who believes the Earth is flat, propelled himself about 1,875 feet into the air Saturday before a hard landing in the Mojave Desert.

He told The Associated Press that outside of an aching back he's fine after the launch near Amboy, California.

'Relieved,' he said after being checked out by paramedics. 'I'm tired of people saying I chickened out and didn't build a rocket. I'm tired of that stuff. I manned up and did it.'

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Posts: 16187
Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Flat Earth
Reply #641 - Mar 26th, 2018 at 7:41am
it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 7:37am:
yes it does ..

Moment 61-year-old blasts himself off the ground on a homemade steam-powered ROCKET at 325mph to prove that the earth is 'shaped liked a frisbee' - before landing with a bang

'Mad' Mike Hughes propelled himself about 1,875 feet into the air in his homemade steam-powered rocket  and made a hard landing in Mojave Desert
The rocket man, who believes the Earth is flat, made the launch near Amboy, California, on Saturday
The launch in the desert town east of Los Angeles, was first set for November and was scrubbed several times
The 61-year-old said that outside of an aching back, he's feeling fine after the dangerous incident
By Associated Press

PUBLISHED: 11:20 AEDT, 25 March 2018 | UPDATED: 08:14 AEDT, 26 March 2018

He finally went up - just like the self-taught rocket scientist always pledged he would in a mission to prove the Earth is flat.

He came back down in one piece, too - a little dinged up and his steam-powered vessel a little cracked up.

Still, mission accomplished for a guy more daredevil than engineer, who drew more comparisons to the cartoon character Wile E. Coyote from his critics than he did to iconic stunt man Evel Knievel.

'Mad' Mike Hughes, the rocket man who believes the Earth is flat, propelled himself about 1,875 feet into the air Saturday before a hard landing in the Mojave Desert.

He told The Associated Press that outside of an aching back he's fine after the launch near Amboy, California.

'Relieved,' he said after being checked out by paramedics. 'I'm tired of people saying I chickened out and didn't build a rocket. I'm tired of that stuff. I manned up and did it.'

So, he didn't go up high enough to prove anything, other than being able to increase his horizon and see further then he could on the ground because of the curvature of the earth.

He should have just taken a commercial flight...
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Australian Politics

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Re: Flat Earth
Reply #642 - Mar 26th, 2018 at 10:50am
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The Right Wing only believe in free speech when they agree with what is being said.
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Christ Light

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Re: Flat Earth
Reply #643 - Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:12pm
CGI much ?



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Prime Minister for Canyons
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Re: Flat Earth
Reply #644 - Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:15pm
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In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

No evidence whatsoever it can be attributed to George Orwell or Eric Arthur Blair (in fact the same guy)
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