Karnal wrote on Jul 20
th, 2015 at 2:39pm:
FD is a textbook study on the thin veneer of civilization. Humanist values, it seems, can decay if they're not regularly reinforced. Reason, justice, liberty, the pursuit of truth - all have been happily discarded in the quest for smear.
Any criticism of Islam will be presented as 'smear', 'racism', 'Islamophobia'
Whenever Islam inspire=s some atrocity, noticing the Islamic motivation is immediately painted as 'smear'.
Islamic State? No Islam to see here.
Iran, Saudi, Pakistan, Labia, Egypt, Tunesia etc? No Islam to see here either, move on, it's just individuals exercising their personal freedoms.
Caliphate, ummah, sharia, nioqab, hijab, Ramadan, hall cerfication, radicalised youths going off to jihad, jihad itself -nah, no Islam to see here either, all just Western constructs to smear Muslims who, of course, have nothing to do with Islam.
Attacking and killing cartoonists, writers in the nm of Islam and Mohmmed - no Islam to see hr either.
Islam's role MUST not be recognised, named, discussed under any cicumstances because that is smear, racist, Islamophobic smear. Not all 1.6 billion Muslims chop heads 24/7 -therefore no Islam to see her.
Islam is its own crazy, angry, irrational, reality-denying caricature - but of course, it has nothing to do with Islam.