Quote:I know for a fact Muhammad erred - because he was human. But I can only go by what we know about the man - and on that score we are all at the mercy of the only known sources that wrote about him.
I am not having a theological debate with you gandalf. Despite your wild tangent with Karnal, I don't really care whether you think he was divine. What matters is that you do not differ from the rest of the Muslim crowd in interpreting what we know about him - that the written record must be interpreted as the best example for men to follow, because it is an example without error. There is no way around this, even by arguing context. You cannot possibly avoid context, merely differ with the hardline Muslims on how cunning you have to be in interpreting it.
Quote:So what else FD - anything else that you know of?
Easy does it Gandalf. It took us 14 pages to get this far.
Quote:I'm assuming you don't consider the Banu Qurayza a mistake, but rather a cold calculated act of brutality that achieved exactly what it intended - right?
Well thanks for clarifying what you meant by that. I consider his intention to be mistaken, and the cold calculated acts of brutality he engaged in to achieve that end compounded his error. It was such a colossal cock-up that still today we are reaping what he sowed.
Quote:Correct. Now FD, consider this carefully: what sounds more plausible to you - that Islam can motivate a small number of muslims to go and rape and pillage
A small number? It is enough to give the "good" Muslims a run for their money, despite being about as bad as it could get in interpreting Islam.
Quote:but definitely has no other sort of influence on any other muslim's lives - OR that Islam can motivate a small number of muslims to go and rape and pillage, but it also motivates other muslims to do good deeds and be good people?
It is theoretically possible. But it hamstrings those efforts at every turn. Take you for example. I thought we had reached two examples of your efforts to make Islam into something good. But now it is back down to one, and you refuse to talk about it.
Good intentions are not sufficient Gandalf.