polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 6
th, 2015 at 9:56pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Jul 6
th, 2015 at 8:23pm:
What you have cited backs what I have posted about the context of 66/1 being Mo banging his Coptic slave maria against the wishes of his wives.
hmmm.. perhaps you can help me out here then Baron:
Qadi 'Iyad says: "The truth is that this verse was sent down concerning honey and not MariyaAbout honey the Hadith reported from Hadrat 'A'ishah is authentic, and the story of forbidding Hadrat Mariyah for himself by the Holy Prophet has not been narrated in a reliable wayhow exactly does clearly arguing that verse 66:1 is *NOT* about Mo banging his Coptic slave "back what you have posted" about it being about Mo banging his Coptic slave?
Qadi Iyad lived around 400 years after Mo died,hardly a great source considering the Quran and ahadith were passed down like a series of chinese whispers over hundreds of years.
Your link mentions 2 incidents one with maria and one with honey with 66/1,if it had nothing to do with maria they would have no reason to mention it.
Why would your wives want you to forbid yourself from honey,i don't know any females who object to honey,i have some pure stuff in the cupboard that is over a decade old that hasn't gone off.
I know Islam is full of nonsense yet I cannot imagine more than 1 woman objecting to someone eating honey.
When we look at Quran 66/1-5 we have mo forbidding sex slaves then having allah saying it's ok to bang them dont'worry about your wives,or was that about eating honey.
Then allah says it's ok to break your oath about banging maria or was that eating honey as well
The prophet tells his wife to keep his banging of maria a secret she tells another wife or are you saying she dobbed him in for eating honey.
Then we have allah saying 2 women plotted with other wives over Mo's banging of his slave or were they plotting over his eating honey.
Then there were threats of divorce and replacing these plotting deviant wives over his banging of maria the Coptic slave for devoutly obedient virgins or was that over eating honey.
quran.com/66/1-5Are you saying 66/1-5 is about eating honey,why the threats of divorce and replacement with obedient virgins?