issuevoter wrote on Jul 6
th, 2015 at 10:59pm:
Phemanderac wrote on Jul 6
th, 2015 at 4:14pm:
Or... Do you think the Christian religion has examples encouraging people to commit heinous acts?
This is one of the stock-standard arguments of apologists for, and defenders of Islam. It is relativism and is not of much use to anyone. It is true that Christianity has been used in this way, the IRA and Protestants in Ireland come to mind. But that does not change the reality of so called world wide Jihad since the 1990s which kills people in the street when ever it gets the chance. By comparison Christian violence looks like kindergarten. And as I have said before, you will change your tune when someone close to you becomes a victim of Islam.
That's not a "defense" it is merely a question...
Further to that, I have not defended or justified abhorrent behaviour regardless of the excuse that it has occurred under...
Relativism, just by the by, is a two way street, ironically, the slathering detractors of all things Islamic are some of the greatest practitioners of relativism... Or did you not realise that when you made your error?
People will stoop to any available excuse they believe that they can manipulate to justify the unjustifiable.
ALL acts of terrorism are acts of base evil, there is no distinction here, ALL acts - and the individual is, ultimately responsible, because it is the individual who chose to act...
I am amazed that people who profess to be adults have absolutely zero understanding of how they make choices.... As if it is someone else's responsibility.
The reality of world wide jihad eh?
Curious thing that, Jihad first became an issue of violent significance during the Crusades, irony is a beautiful thing is it not?