Yadda said....
Quote:I have no respect for moslems, for anyone who declares,
"I am a moslem"
I have no respect for anyone who chooses to associate themselves, with the mores and laws, and the 'lawful' violence of ISLAM.
ISLAM teaches moslems LAWLESSNESS [and 'lawful' violence], imo.
And ISLAM teaches moslems cultural parasitism, imo.
Moslems insist that they want to come to live in the West, to live in a culture which moslems will often openly declare that they despise.
Yet many of those very same moslems [who despise Western culture] at the very same time, refuse to stay in their own homelands, to
fight [to 'struggle'] and work for their own culture,
to engage in moslem nation building, to establish the 'ISLAMIC ideal' in their own homelands.
Instead, moslems come to the West, so as to make the West, like the hell holes, which moslems say they despise, fear, and have fled from.
Yadda said....
Could it be possible, that 'billions of people' [i.e.moslems], actively bring themselves into disrepute ?
In their tacit support of ISLAM, and their support of what ISLAM promotes in the world ?
It is 'the moslem' himself, and it is their own choice, to become/remain a moslem [especially when a moslem, is resident in a secular nation like Australia! ].
[i.e. it is their 'life' choice, to support the worldview which their 'faith' promotes. i.e. political intimidation, political violence and murder. ]
Yadda said....
So once more, just to be clear;
1/ Moslems choose to come to live in non-moslem jurisdictions.
2/ Moslems who choose to live in a non-moslem jurisdiction, will [also] claim that they are suffering 'persecution' [and 'oppression'], because within those non-moslem jurisdictions, non-moslems are 'imposing' secular law, upon moslems.
And that is the mindset, and the world-view, which moslems bring with them, when moslems come to live within secular countries, like Australia.
Yadda said....
ISLAM is a death cult.
And moslems are culpable for the evil and violence done in the name of ISLAM, because moslems consciously choose to associate themselves with ISLAM.
Yadda said....
A moslem, is a person who chooses to embrace a philosophy, ISLAM, which tells moslems that it is 'lawful' for moslems, to lie to, to plunder and to rob, to rape, to enslave, and to kill those, who do not believe, as they believe.
If as some would claim, that individual, non-radicalised moslems are good people, then, again, why do those 'good' people, choose to associate themselves with ISLAM ???
According to ISLAM itself, a good 'moslem', is defined as a person who chooses to embrace the tenets and laws of ISLAM.
Yadda said.....
Quote:Why is it that thinking people seem unable to join the dots ?
Muslim = = a follower of Islam..
ISLAM is a murderous death cult.
Yadda said....
Muslim = = a follower of Islam.
EVERY moslem, is a follower - of ISLAM.
EVERY moslem, is a member of the moslem community.
And whether the moslem refers to himself as being a member of,
or the Taliban,
or Al-Qaeda,
or Boko Haram,
or ISIS,
or Al Shabaab,
or [in Australia] Brothers for Life,
....the moslem is a member of 'a group of people' who choose to follow a philosophy [ISLAM], which teaches them [moslems], that it is lawful for them [moslems] to seek to subjugate [i.e. enslave] or murder all of 'disbelieving' mankind.