Lionel Edriess wrote on Jul 17
th, 2015 at 11:37pm:
On the one hand we have the crimes committed by the most perverted of our own local culture in the 'old' days - and on the other we have the crimes committed by an imported culture, in our local 'modern' society, who live by an antiquated religious credo. Crimes that are not only tolerated and defended by that suddenly acceptable imported creed, but that also stand at odds with our 'old' societal mores.
Lionel, you appear to forget something - these crimes are not tolerated, they are not accepted, otherwise they'd never end up in court. You also seem to be assuming that this is the norm for these people, whereas in reality it is not, it is even unusual for them, for the most part. You appear to see Muslims as bug-eyed, green monsters from outer-space or something, whereas all white, Christian peoples are sane, normal and innocent of any crimes they might be charged with. The reality is somewhat different amongst the rest of humanity. There are good people, there are bad people and thankfully the bad people aren't tolerated aren't accepted and are treated appropriately according to the law. Time you grew up, Lionel and joined the rest of Australian Multicultural Society.
Quote:Why the outcry about the old abuses of our own religious, however lamentable, and the sudden excusing of the same outrages by an imported ideology?
The "outcry" as your hyperbole terms it is about Muslims being zeroed in for unfair treatment, Lionel, nothing more. All societies throw up criminals. It's a fact of life. Australian society hid it's for a long, long, long time. Look at the current Royal Commission into Sexual Abuse to see that. Christian Churches moved Paedophiles around rather than report them to police. Homes hid their crimes. Institutions ignored them. Hardly a glowing testimony to the supposed superiority of White, Christian society, now is it?
Quote:God forbid that Allah be insulted.
Stop talking like an Islamist stereotype, Lionel. I know you have brains, don't you think it's time you used them instead of hiding behind your rose-coloured glass-eyed view of the past?