Brian Ross wrote on Aug 14 th, 2015 at 8:23pm: Soren wrote on Aug 13 th, 2015 at 7:29pm: |dev|null wrote on Aug 10 th, 2015 at 12:25pm: Soren wrote on Aug 8 th, 2015 at 8:14pm: |dev|null wrote on Aug 4 th, 2015 at 10:26am: They don't want YOU to convert to Judaism. Unlike the Muslim bruvvers. Do you see the difference?I bet you don't. So, it's more than their dress and their mannerisms which offend you about Muslims Soren? Really? So, whats your opinion of the Christian Brotherhood? They dress conservatively, they dress their women conservatively, including scarves on their heads, they preach endlessly about their god and his messiah son and they convince others to join them... Surely you'd abhor them Soren? You can walk down Pitt Street and never spot a devotee of the Christian Brotherhood. They have the good sense and good manners to leave the public space well alone, neutral, non-denominational. The bearded, hijabi, niqabi numpties, on the other hand, are not that polite and considerate - they make claims on the public space for their religion. Rude and pushy as they are. When was the last time you were preached at by a Muslim in Pitt Street, Soren? Were you ever preached at by a Muslim in Pitt Street?  I've been preached at by a Christian Brotherhood member in Blackwood, Adelaide. Horrendous experience. I’ve been preached at by a number of "the Family" cult members on George Street. Beards and sandals galore. They’re not there these days. Pitt Street only has about four churches, so I see what the old boy means.