Unforgiven wrote on Aug 16
th, 2015 at 3:04pm:
Denizen lee's disinformation sources will dry up as they are gradually exposed and shut down.
And NOWHERE does it say that UK's emissions are lower than Australia's. NOWHERE does it say IBUKI dataset is bogus. NOWHERE does it say that Australia s not a natural carbon sink.
Every time I show you wrong; you change the goalposts.
From your source
'UPDATE (July 9, 2015): As this report went to press, a newly discovered email from a former Exxon employee revealed that the company was already factoring climate change into decisions about new fossil fuel extraction as early as 1981.'
1. Email was very limited in 1981.
2. The author was Lenny Bernstein, a PhD in Chemical Engineering who was also a Coordinating Lead Author of Chapter 7 (Industry) of the Mitigation section of the IPCC AR4.
'Exxon NEVER denied the potential for humans to impact the climate system. It did question - legitimately, in my opinion - the validity of some of the science.'
'It is the only company mentioned in Alyssa's e-mail, even though, in my opinion, it is far more ethical that many other large corporations.'
'Having spent twenty years working for Exxon and ten working for Mobil, I know that much of that ethical behavior comes from a business calculation that it is cheaper in the long run to be ethical than unethical. '
https://www.ohio.edu/appliedethics/iape-speakers-and-events.cfmIt was a publicly available post in reply to Alyssa Bernstein. So it wasn't secret. It wasn't a 1981 email. Lenny Bernstein isn't a climate scientist.
The Union of Concerned Scientists seem to lack scientific integrity, posting something so false.