UK is predicitng their highest temperature ever in an expected heat wave with 101+ F temperature expectation.
UK has already experienced the hottest July day ever recorded.
I don't see anyone predicting an ice age coming. Quote:Britain is set to sizzle in a second heatwave at the end of the July when temperatures could soar past 100F to reach the highest level ever recorded in the UK.
Last week’s hot spell brought the warmest ever July day but conditions will revert to normal summer conditions for the next fortnight, with showers and temperatures hovering around the low 70Fs. (low 20Cs)
However by the end of July and beginning of August a second wave of very hot air is expected to push up from central and southern Europe bringing sweltering heat.
Some forecasters predicted it could beat the all-time record for Britain, when the mercury hit 101F (38.5C) at Brogdale, Kent, on August 10, 2003.
Brian Gaze of The Weather Outlook said: “The year’s hottest temperatures usually occur in late July or early August.
“As pressure models favour more African hot air over Europe pulsing to the UK, the 101F (38.5C) record could go.”
• UK heatwave in pictures: Britain basks in glorious summer weather
Met Office forecaster Simon Partridge added: “Temperatures certainly look warm after July 19 in the South and another plume would make it hot. It’s too early to put detail on whether it will be hotter than we’ve had.”
The Met Office July-September contingency forecast, being briefed to Government, councils, and emergency services, said: “Computer models show higher-than-average pressure dominating Europe through summer and early autumn - a strong signal for above-average temperatures across central and southern Europe.
“High pressure over northern Europe would allow higher temperatures from central and southern Europe to spread into the UK.”
The heatwave went out with a bang over the weekend when thunder and lightning storms brought more than half-a-month’s rain in an hour hit parts of East Anglia and Dorset, flooding roads.
A 51-year-old hillwalker was left fighting for his life after being struck by lightning in the Brecon Beacons at Pen y Fan.
Heavy and frequent showers will return for much of the country by Monday but will be at their worst in the north and west of England and Scotland and Northern Ireland.
MeteroGroup forecaster John Lee said temperatures will begin to climb again from Wednesday: "Generally, it's going to be quite unsettled on Sunday and the first part of the week.
"By Wednesday it will start to settle down and the sunshine will come out.
"It certainly won't be the 98F (37C) degree highs that we had last week but I think that is a relief to most people.
"We could start to see temperatures reaching (84F) 29C though by the end of the week."
The highest temperature in the recent heatwave was recorded on Wednesday at (98.1F) 36.7C at Heathrow, breaking the record for a July day, while many other places broke the (86F) 30C mark.
While many bathed in the rare temperatures, others endured struggling train services and heavy traffic as road and train track surfaces began to melt in the heat.