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C.W.A. (Read 80536 times)
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fish dinner

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Bedford Park rnd
Re: C.W.A.
Reply #225 - Aug 20th, 2015 at 4:49pm

the shoulder glide- elegant.
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farewell to days of wild abandon and freedom in the adriatic
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Re: C.W.A.
Reply #226 - Aug 20th, 2015 at 6:48pm
oh the girls love Ginger Rogers and Fred Astair on film nights.. we only have them once a month thanks to pansi spending habits...

we will find a band that does the gypsy tap and dip and glide.. it will be all buckle your belt agnes..

the girls have been watching the Bachelor kind of gets them all reminiscing about their first kiss..and first bump and grind...Rose  goes into great detail we have a job turning her off...

yes yes yes we could have a trivia night.. however the girls are a bit away with the pixies so the rules would all need changing...some can remember their first kiss.. other cant remember what happened yesterday.. maybe we could write the answers down and they just yell out which one they think matchs...its all about the game really isnt it...not how much we raise...the band is usually covered with long as we only give it to them at the it to them at the beginning BIG mistake!! thats when the trouble started last time...we are still paying off the damage and the fine...

so it will be a ladies excuse me dance this time round...hopefully the girls wont try to do the knees up this time it all got rather ugly and pansi had to take a few of them outside to cool down...hopefully we will have more than 3 males too...thats would help...and stop a few fights...maybe you could round a couple up down at the pub long as they are hunks...I am not fussy..

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fish dinner

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Bedford Park rnd
Re: C.W.A.
Reply #227 - Aug 20th, 2015 at 9:47pm
Can just see the girls doing the knees up and getting up a good old wobble, some like their mead strong and drink it on an empty stomach- deliberately- hope they wear their support stockings for extra modesty mind- I wear my lycra shorts underneath -the jive can get a bit revealing and I dont want anyone losing their lunch lol.

I have been watching that Bachelor program too- it was a shock when Poppy on her first date with Arthur, farted- I nearly died for her but she thought it was a hoot. Arthur took it well at the time, but I notice he has turned his attentions to someone else since then- poor Poppy- you have to play the lady card right up until you rope them in and tie them down- then you can do number 2s in front of them etc, but until then, always be a lady in the beginning. Its fluttering eyes and roses all the way.

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« Last Edit: Aug 21st, 2015 at 5:25pm by Agnes »  

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farewell to days of wild abandon and freedom in the adriatic
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: C.W.A.
Reply #228 - Aug 22nd, 2015 at 2:21pm

The dip and glide is goodness I thought we were going sky diving.

We met a Pygmy tribe or did they come across us?.....anyway, they are leading us to the magical healing berries but we must pass through the village to get there.....the rules are if white man go through village, he must marry Chiefs daughter

Bear said don't worry, he has a plan.....but I think he will take her if she a good sort.

I will be back for the big event with some exotic jams for the table.

P.s cods......can you get hanky Panky to put a bit more money in my account, just a few hundred will do for now, thanks.

.....I have to buy a tent, I don't want to share with Bear and the new bride back soon

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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Re: C.W.A.
Reply #229 - Aug 22nd, 2015 at 7:24pm
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Aug 22nd, 2015 at 2:21pm:
The dip and glide is goodness I thought we were going sky diving.

We met a Pygmy tribe or did they come across us?.....anyway, they are leading us to the magical healing berries but we must pass through the village to get there.....the rules are if white man go through village, he must marry Chiefs daughter

Bear said don't worry, he has a plan.....but I think he will take her if she a good sort.

I will be back for the big event with some exotic jams for the table.

P.s cods......can you get hanky Panky to put a bit more money in my account, just a few hundred will do for now, thanks.

.....I have to buy a tent, I don't want to share with Bear and the new bride back soon

I kid you not its all money with you pansi...what you do with your $5 a day allowance I will never know not one receipt have we received and you think Panky will send more....she is in a very bad mood..we came up with the Dip and Glide dance an d she wanted us to give it to a fund raiser she knows this will be hot and heavy.. jealousy is such a curse I live by that you know...anyway I will up your spending to $7 a day and thats it..we are not paying for you Bear simple as that tell him to find his own food...thats pretty disgusting hes dumped you for some exotic princess, what is he thinking....if he thinks he can live on sex alone is he in for a big wake up call.... six months from now and he will wish he had picked you and your dumplings...

I am thinking at the Dip and Glide we could have a rose ceremony agnes gave me that could go to the most romantic couple...if red comes then he will win for sure.. he says the most charming " your scones do things to me " cods" sort of ooozes charm.. a real winner in the James Bend style.... it is Bend isnt it I forget these details...

we have a new commission to fill when you return pansi.. so dont be all day will you dear?...I havent received one postcard..I view of a pygmy housing development would be rather nice to hang on our

TAKE A READ board.

yes Mavis made Bill bring it back at long last... he has really lost it poor dear..he thought we meant the board and not the notes about up and coming events... and he lost the only postcard we ever received it was one of those rude ones from years back that little Johnny though was hilarious...I always frowned on it..but the vote to remove it never won... we have much to talk about and do...I trust agnes is knitting up a storm.. and Glad is working on getting her relish right this year...thats all the n ews from this end for now.. toot toot pip pip.
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: C.W.A.
Reply #230 - Aug 22nd, 2015 at 8:20pm
It's good to hear that you've got everything under control back there dear.....I can always rely on you.

Turns out that Bear was taken to the berries, he stuffed himself stupid on them, had some sort of psychodelic episode and ran off with the Chiefs wife......well one of them anyhow, the youngest and prettiest one, he's got a few apparently.....not Bear, the chief of the Pygmy tribe.

I'm being held......they want a ransom.......Ilsa might do, at a pinch. See if you can get her over here or send more money.....I might be able to pay him off......oh! Thanks for the $7 didn't last long.

I'll make some banana leaf hats and bags for the table while I'm waiting.
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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Re: C.W.A.
Reply #231 - Aug 23rd, 2015 at 8:58am
pansi you cant fool me into sending more money... they would not ransom you they would put you in a pot and have a feast day on I am not sending Ilsa... she is resting anyway had a fight with her neighbours dog a very vicious X poodle pekinese called THUG.who tried to drag her knickers off the line when it got through a hole in the fence..they were her best pair.. the dog won and she tried to chase  through the hole in the fence after him.. but got stuck and the dog peed on her.. she is not in a good way...I did buy her a new pair of knickers from Target but she said they are good enough... so will offer them to Marg who is not nearly as they were a no return buy..... but it was my pay it forward day...I am a member of the Pay it Forward club pansi... Iwont ask the girls to join because of the one or two that always get it wrong....and they will assume shoving someone from the back with their walking frame is what that all when I do my good deeds we are not to talk about them at the meets...just between us brighter ones will do..

we will also have to have a bring a shovel clean up day at the club soon.. so hurry back dear.. and please dont bring any of those little pygmys with you will you??....I am sure they are an endangered species and you would get find at customs..

and only one bottle per person dont forget.. the bolly sounds nice.

we are so looking forward to seeing all your slides.. you did take your camera didnt you dear.
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fish dinner

Posts: 6081
Bedford Park rnd
Re: C.W.A.
Reply #232 - Aug 23rd, 2015 at 11:38pm
Bear and a new bride? Could have sworn he wasn't even interested in women- but then again the maybe he is a PAN sexual...PAN covers everyone , much safer that way.

My neighbor is pan sexual- he is bit not quite right in he head though, so this pan sexual thing- im not sure about it at all..
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farewell to days of wild abandon and freedom in the adriatic
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Australian Politics

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Re: C.W.A.
Reply #233 - Aug 24th, 2015 at 10:01am
Agnes wrote on Aug 23rd, 2015 at 11:38pm:
Bear and a new bride? Could have sworn he wasn't even interested in women- but then again the maybe he is a PAN sexual...PAN covers everyone , much safer that way.

My neighbor is pan sexual- he is bit not quite right in he head though, so this pan sexual thing- im not sure about it at all..

I agree agnes bear isnt what pansi thinks he is... its all hope on her part...I did read where he liked cross dressing.. whatever that means.. but I assume its a bit strange otherwise it wouldnt have been mentioned in the New Idea....

as long as she doesnt try to bring him back.. you know what shes like when she gets the hots for someone...and half the meds she takes dont work as well in the tropics....

I should never have sent her on this mission..lisa would have been better she has her head screwed on...and not a bit flighty.

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fish dinner

Posts: 6081
Bedford Park rnd
Re: C.W.A.
Reply #234 - Aug 24th, 2015 at 7:08pm
Just being in the tropics can bring you undone- anything that happens there stays there- but the tribal tattoos might have something to say- if anyone can read them that is- could you imagine a tribal inititiation ceremony with with Pansi , Bear and the Where the Devil are We tribe? A circus to say the least, with all the confusion and cultural misnomers Pansi and Bear would end up in a large pot of "tribe " soup complete with veg and Wild Boar head / and hocks. That will cure any pansexuality I think- no more confusion for Bear !
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« Last Edit: Aug 25th, 2015 at 7:04pm by Agnes »  

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farewell to days of wild abandon and freedom in the adriatic
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Australian Politics

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Re: C.W.A.
Reply #235 - Aug 25th, 2015 at 7:28am
I well remember when Merv went camping on Dunk Island..

it was quite a scandal he ran off with the newagents daughter Silvania .. all bum and boobs leaving poor Alice who if it wasnt for the girls at the CWA would have departed this world...we kept her spirits up with mead and lamingtons.. when she got Merv back he was covered in a tropical rash...yes even his spare part was  in a right old state..she insisted on showing the pics one night....we didnt know whether to cry or applaud some did took months for it to go down.. and even now if it gets over 20 he has to take a cold shower... and serve him right we say....Silvania never came back last we heard she is frolicking naked as the day she was born  on Dunk shame at all...Alice is back to her old self though we admire her good old CWA spirit..mind you the mead helps..Merv is no longer welcome of course our standards wont allow I do hope pansi doesnt do anything rash and try to bring bear into our club...we cannot afford to lower our standards any further...

I trust you are all practicing the dip and glide..
we all need to be going in the same direction dont forget.... will you mention that bit to Maud thank you agnes...
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fish dinner

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Bedford Park rnd
Re: C.W.A.
Reply #236 - Aug 25th, 2015 at 6:53pm
Maud has a sick headache right now but I will promise, as soon as I get my corns under control- they keep flaring up , when they are better I will trek the 10 mile walk to "life be in it nudist beach" Maud is there with Old Ronnie who camps in a cave close by, he and Maud are having a fling- he pops out of his cave making lewd eyes and making slimey comments to visiting women making their way thru the sand dunes to the beach , maud gets furious at him -

I have been hobbling for 2 days now, but due to an old French Foreign legion foot soak remedy, they seem to be a bit better today.  I saw one of those photos- his trouser snake was a right mess. I have the Dip and Glide almost down now- but as I need a real partner to get my technique perfected, well lets just say Old Ron-? umm nope- his spittle problem and bad teeth makes  me heave. Red Red- help?

Bear's social graces are a bit on the  unpolished side but he has that wild animal magnetism thing going for him- something I love- I have to say - it got him through many tough moments out there in wild and works just as well here among the girls..maybe we could send him to finishing school, they could teach him to bathe among other things- as long as they dont finish him off?
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« Last Edit: Aug 25th, 2015 at 7:02pm by Agnes »  

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farewell to days of wild abandon and freedom in the adriatic
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Re: C.W.A.
Reply #237 - Aug 25th, 2015 at 7:18pm
Reading Cods' and Agnes' posts I realize that that is what it is like to get old and how grateful I am for my own enduring youthfulness and beauty.
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Riff Raff
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Re: C.W.A.
Reply #238 - Aug 25th, 2015 at 8:24pm
gladys wrote on Aug 25th, 2015 at 7:18pm:
Reading Cods' and Agnes' posts I realize that that is what it is like to get old and how grateful I am for my own enduring youthfulness and beauty.

On Ya Glad, you big spunk!

What are you doing tonight?

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fish dinner

Posts: 6081
Bedford Park rnd
Re: C.W.A.
Reply #239 - Aug 25th, 2015 at 8:29pm
Glad, now your just being offensive and we all know that photo is from 1935- you dont fool anyone you know..

cods my tea cosies are coming along great- dropped a stich here and there ( drives me mad) and this is but just one of a dozen I have finished right now- not bad if I do say so meself..

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« Last Edit: Aug 25th, 2015 at 8:36pm by Agnes »  

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farewell to days of wild abandon and freedom in the adriatic
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