Kiron22 wrote on Jul 22
nd, 2015 at 10:26pm:
Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jul 22
nd, 2015 at 10:15pm:
Kiron22 wrote on Jul 22
nd, 2015 at 10:06pm:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jul 16
th, 2015 at 7:19am:
Kat wrote on Jul 15
th, 2015 at 9:43pm:
Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jul 15
th, 2015 at 8:55pm:
similarities between the censorship of speech between 1933 and 1945 have no parallel to Australia in 2015
. I can see why the leftists want to make the connection though. 2/10 for effort.
Not YET, perhaps.
But it's coming, unless the neo-fascist filth currently infesting the country and the parliament are 'removed'.
And they will be. Count upon it.
Obviously you were abroad or asleep during Comrade Conroy's attempts to censor the media in its entirety.
You know this is a lie. The media reforms never went to any serious level of "Censorship" but would result in severely needed media self-regulation.
The Abbott Government's level of censorship and assault on freedoms though ARE paralleled quite easily to the Reichstag Fire Decree along with other authoritarian controls by this Government that dance red line into flat out Fascism.
From Brandis controlling art funding with an iron fist and only funding bourgeois old arts like the Opera and Ballet (literally what Goebbels did) to lack of transparency to absolutely draconian citizenship and gestapo style spying laws that have already been expanded well beyond the original scope. Not to mention the reactionary, xenophobic populist politicking You would have to be blind to not to see the parallels easily made between this Government and Fascism (The Abbott Government, like the LNP in general since it's founding has always been cut from the exact cloth as latifundia reactionary fascist parties that espoused "liberal" values but were authoritarian and held massive disregard for human rights when in power).
So funding and defunding certain programs is fascism? Hmm .. Well, that makes every government fascist. One could argue though that defunding a program is a type of censorship, but that's not the type of censorship we are talking about, is it? We're talking about those who are denied to speak their mind on legal grounds.
You mean doctors in detention centers or Human rights lawyers who had their offices raided by ASIO under the orders of Brandis?
I am sure there was a reason for such raids.
Quote:Also it isn't a case of "funding and defunding" the funding of the arts was done by a independent council, Brandis has centralized arts funding straight to his desk and then has gone about funding on the arts he thinks are right, which happen to be arts completely out of reach of the working class and poor and largely out of touch of modern society, expensive operas and expensive ballets. This IS a very Fascist thing to do, it's EXACTLY what the Fascists themselves did. It sends the message that art is something for the bourgeoisie, plebs don't deserve art and art that creates critical thinking is even worse.
One has to wonder why the Arts need to be funded at all.
Arts funding has been very kind to lefties. If you have lefties handing out funding, then obviously lefties will be the main beneficiary of that funding. Brandis may be merely stemming the tide of that. If he is, then good.
Millions are spent on lefty programs and courses in universities (albeit through the Education sector and not Arts). Ever walked the halls of a Humanities or Social Science department? It's tax payer funded lefty central. These departments have become now no more than a 'think tank' or propaganda machine for the Labor and Greens parties.
Quote:This is also ignoring the other ways the Government has acted Fascistically, perhaps one policy here another there, the Fascist analogy would be hyperbole, but there is a very dangerous trend in this Government towards Fascist politics in which I honestly think they've crossed the line. I have no problem saying that I honestly believe that Brandis and Morrison are outright sociopaths and Fascists. Brandis and Morrison are also two politicians that scare the living **** out of me and if one ever became Prime Minister, I would be on a plane overseas very quickly.
Frothing at the mouth lefties are a good indication the country is on the right track.