Quote:the explanation is obvious and yet far past your intelligence.
I doubt anyone will takes any further notice of your evaluation of another person's intelligence, given it is proven you are a blow hard sham.
Quote:NO ONE is going to write a pro-incest article and you chose that because you knew it to be true.
That is a terrific and another example (proof) that you have not written the various OPs under question. It does not make any sense.
Quote:Also, who elected you to decide that you twit.
No-one did. It was my (failed) attempt to move on. And here we are still reading your pathetic excuses. Tell you what melielongtime. Choose your topic, PM me with it, and I'll set up a dedicated secure Thread for you to post your essay.
Quote:The original concept was that those who chose to be part of it would write an article on a topic THEY chose. My choices were pro-gay marriage or pro climate change.
Oh, so you wanted an easy way out. Typical of a sham I suppose.
Quote:You deliberately went out of your way to choose a topic i could not ever morally support. I know that in your amoral world the idea of having a line you will not cross doesnt occur to you, but the rest of us do.
Not at all. Incest was quite topical at the time, and you were being quite the smart arse by half about it. That it would be your topic was obvious like dog gonads and I doubt anyone here who was reading it all at the time would have been surprised you were given that topic.
Quote:I am still waiting for a candidate willing to take on this challenge seriously and without the intervention of an idiot like you.
I reckon it is now established you ought be the last person to pass judgement on anyone else's degree of idiocy. Yours is now quite clear. You are a flake.
Quote:It is a very simple challenge with very simple rules and to date... without a taker other than me.
You have two takers. One has posted his essay (not chosen by himself) and two others have not. Mr Peccary has not yet explained his delay. You spat the dummy, and bolted.
You are a flake. Do not be surprised when people treat you like a blow hard, noisy empty (let alone abusive) vessel.
Get on with it melielongtime. Cease the prevarication.