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In defence of Gay Marriage (Read 42659 times)
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In defence of Gay Marriage
Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:38pm
When Rosa Parks chose that fateful day
in 1955 to refuse to give up her bus seat to a white passenger she helped set in motion the Civil Rights movement that ultimately lead to equality for black Americans. Likewise, Martin Luther King Jnr in his “I have a dream” speech galvanised international support for equality for all in what was still an essentially racist America struggling to throw off its slave past.

William Wilberforce, tireless opponent of slavery, was one of a growing number of voices that demanded the end of the slave trade and lived to see the success of his vision.

Today, we celebrate men and women like Parks, Luther King and Wilberforce as heroes who lead the way to a better and more equal society, but is that really the case? If we take the research of Professor Heinrich Storling, former Professor of Sweden’s most distinguished university, seriously then we may have to downplay their efforts and replace them with a somewhat boring alternate narrative: social evolution.

“We have a tendency to look for heroes and leaders in the cause for change, but most of the time it is not the people with the loud voices that effect that change, but rather society as a whole that evolves slowly from one place to another in response to a changing world and environment.”

Professor Storling explains in his recent speech to the Scandinavian Conference on International Affairs that the driving force in societal change is not protest or rebellion, but the strange and almost mystical power of ‘social evolution’.

Invoking the New Age-like concept of ‘collective consciousness’ he stunned his audience by claiming that most of the large-scale changes in our society over the last 100 years were the result of collective social evolution.

“There are often big names or big events that headline large changes in our society, but they are just that – headlines. Without them, the same changes would still have occurred, perhaps slower, but also perhaps faster.”

According to Storling, major changes like the emancipation of the slaves in the western world was a ‘social inevitability’ brought about by rapid changes to industrial technology and even the political landscape. Even the collapse of Soviet Communism was less a victory for the West than it was the force of social evolution demanding that the East morph into the clearly more attractive West. (Sorry Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher!)

“Yes, the likes of Wilberforce hurried it along and gave the movement a nice moral flourish, but the essence of the ending of the slave trade was that society had moved on, had evolved to neither want nor need slavery. The moral argument gave them a nice hat to hang their evolution onto and little more.”
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« Last Edit: Jul 16th, 2015 at 7:34pm by longweekend58 »  

AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #1 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:39pm
Even more controversially, Storling stated that the feminist movement, dating right back to the time of the suffragettes was not initiated by famous women or driven by speeches or prison sentences. It was instead, a largely economic and social evolution that would have occurred without any protests at all.  The status of women was evolving as their role was also evolving. For millennia, women’s role was to give birth, raise and largely educate children and to keep house. It was less a sexist role than it was an essential one that the society of the time depended on to survive and grow. The industrial revolution with its better healthcare, better education and emerging social welfare changed the role of women dramatically thus leading them to leave the house and adopt a different place in the new century.  The arguments, protests and debates were nothing more than the birth-pangs of society evolving to a new status. Storling’s point is that society evolves and will continue to evolve regardless of notable speakers, protestors or political striving. His most controversial statement was that social change is akin to biological evolution: you can see it, touch it, observe it and be mystified by it, but you cannot change it or alter its trajectory in any significant way. It is what it is and will be.

His arguments for Gay Marriage were unconventional to say the least.

“The gay marriage debate is a perfect example of social evolution. For many centuries and indeed millennia, homosexuality was opposed and criminalised largely for its breach of the primary social objective of breeding and of growing large and powerful families. The moral and religious argument was imposed on top of this imperative thus allowing the real reason to be subsumed into a wholly moral/religious one. It was convenient and effective, if quite unfair by our modern standards. And there of course is the key: that our modern standards are not really standards at all in the absolute sense, but rather an evolution of previous standards to where we stand today.

“The decriminalisation of homosexuality was always going to be a difficult evolution that was going to take longer than it should because it involves that most powerful and yet contradictory topic: sexuality. If sexuality were able to be removed from the topic of gay relationships, legalisation and equality would have occurred as much as 50 years earlier. Sex however confuses every discussion, topic and certainly, social evolution. It is inconceivable to us today that only a few hundred years ago England faced protests opposing the introduction of an Age of Consent law set at just ten years of age. But it happened. We can understand the evolution away from child labour, but the evolution away from inappropriate sexual contact was far more complex and lingering. So it is no surprise that homosexuality was going to have a difficult and meandering evolutionary path.

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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #2 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:40pm
“Social evolution is the great inevitability. We cannot stop it nor start it, at least not as a small group of individuals. We cannot predict it either as it is dependent on forces and actions we cannot predict or alter.

“Gay Marriage is the latest chapter of the great social evolutionary novel. Just as the establishment of Gay Rights and basic equality was an evolutionary leap, so is the one of marriage for non-heterosexuals. And yet it is important only in that it completes this evolutionary step.

“I am well and truly out of step with the growing number of people supporting Gay Marriage who appeal to non-existent concepts such as social equality or justice or even morality. I support it because of its absolute inevitability and how in only a few years it will be treated as just the norm and part of a now evolved social fabric. I see no problems with it personally, but I also see no alternatives and prefer to spend my time fighting battles that are actual battles and not evolutionary movements.

Storling took a short time to refer to the dark side of social evolution. He referred to Nazi Germany and ISIS as examples of social evolution taking a dark twist and how they are not unprecedented.

“If this were Star Trek we would all be living in a social nirvana having evolved into a crime-free, rich and prosperous world, but alas, it is not so. The world is full of flawed human beings with more than a dose of pure evil thrown into the mix. Our social evolution will therefore carry forward the flaws and sociopathy of our generation in some form. Just as biological evolution does not throw out the bad and only carry forward the good, so it is with social evolution.

“If we could but understand how our world evolves we could perhaps avoid some of the pointless hand-wringing and shouting so typical of the gay marriage debate and its predecessors. In essence, we can alter the shape of our destination, but not the destination itself. Society has a mind of its own or more accurately… a mind of all of us.

reprinted with permission
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Australian Politics

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Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #3 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:42pm
That’s cute, Longy. Which American writer did you get permission off to reprint that?
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Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #4 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:44pm
Karnal wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:42pm:
That’s cute, Longy. Which American writer did you get permission off to reprint that?

I wrote it. every word.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Re:There Is No God
Reply #5 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:54pm
Longweekend's topic was "There is no God"

Since this post is off topic. Have to mark it as a big fat failure F.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Re:There Is No God
Reply #6 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:59pm
____ wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:54pm:
Longweekend's topic was "There is no God"

Since this post is off topic. Have to mark it as a big fat failure F.

as if anyone cares about the opinion of the forum's most illiterate and uneducated buffoon.  A brighter gay person would have taken a look at the argument.  Is it too long for you to read? too many big words?
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Australian Politics

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Re: Re:There Is No God
Reply #7 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:00pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:59pm:
____ wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:54pm:
Longweekend's topic was "There is no God"

Since this post is off topic. Have to mark it as a big fat failure F.

as if anyone cares about the opinion of the forum's most illiterate and uneducated buffoon.  A brighter gay person would have taken a look at the argument.  Is it too long for you to read? too many big words?

It's off topic Dumbarse.
And evolution isn't slow. It varies in speed, including quick leaps.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Re:There Is No God
Reply #8 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:09pm
____ wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:00pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:59pm:
____ wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:54pm:
Longweekend's topic was "There is no God"

Since this post is off topic. Have to mark it as a big fat failure F.

as if anyone cares about the opinion of the forum's most illiterate and uneducated buffoon.  A brighter gay person would have taken a look at the argument.  Is it too long for you to read? too many big words?

It's off topic Dumbarse.
And evolution isn't slow. It varies in speed, including quick leaps.

I see... it WAS too hard for you to follow.  Here's one you might understand.  and it has 'd1ck' in it too!

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dick_and_dora3.jpg (42 KB | 97 )

AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Australian Politics

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Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #9 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:11pm
That was a good read. There are aspects to it that I would debate further, time permitting, which for me it isn't presently.

Now, you say you wrote every word of it, yet, at the bottom of the piece there is, in bold the words "reprinted with permission"...

Reprinted with whose permission?

Also, I would respectfully suggest that whilst the piece articulates very well why Gay Marriage is inevitable - the piece does not specifically or passionately defend Gay Marriage, at best it says in lots of words, "Meh, it's gonna happen eventually, meh..."

So, yep, still a good and interesting read. Good work on that front. For my part though, I don't believe that you did the actual topic justice.

And, yes, whose permission?
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On the 26th of January you are all invited to celebrate little white penal day...

"They're not rules as such, more like guidelines" Pirates of the Caribbean..
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Australian Politics

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Re: Re:There Is No God
Reply #10 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:16pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:09pm:
____ wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:00pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:59pm:
____ wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:54pm:
Longweekend's topic was "There is no God"

Since this post is off topic. Have to mark it as a big fat failure F.

as if anyone cares about the opinion of the forum's most illiterate and uneducated buffoon.  A brighter gay person would have taken a look at the argument.  Is it too long for you to read? too many big words?

It's off topic Dumbarse.
And evolution isn't slow. It varies in speed, including quick leaps.

I see... it WAS too hard for you to follow.  Here's one you might understand.  and it has 'd1ck' in it too!

There is no god ... by not mentioning your topic in your emotional drivel, is that suppose to prove your atheism ?
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Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #11 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:24pm
Phemanderac wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:11pm:
That was a good read. There are aspects to it that I would debate further, time permitting, which for me it isn't presently.

Now, you say you wrote every word of it, yet, at the bottom of the piece there is, in bold the words "reprinted with permission"...

Reprinted with whose permission?

Also, I would respectfully suggest that whilst the piece articulates very well why Gay Marriage is inevitable - the piece does not specifically or passionately defend Gay Marriage, at best it says in lots of words, "Meh, it's gonna happen eventually, meh..."

So, yep, still a good and interesting read. Good work on that front. For my part though, I don't believe that you did the actual topic justice.

And, yes, whose permission?

thanks. 'reprinted by permission' is my new signature block, largely because it confuses the hell out of the simpletons.  Your comment about passionately is probably reasonable. I was running out of space as it was already 1200+ words and so if I were publishing this elsewhere I would have edited the crap out of it and inserted some more passionate defence.

45mins was all I had.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Australian Politics

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Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #12 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:31pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:44pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:42pm:
That’s cute, Longy. Which American writer did you get permission off to reprint that?

I wrote it. every word.

I’m sorry, Longy. It is so obvious you didn’t write that article, you’ve blown your last chance to redeem yourself.

You got this straight out of Time or Newsweek. Rosa Parks? You wouldn’t even know who she is.

The challenge was to write an article, not copy it. What’s with the reprinted with permission?

And if you’re pretending you pulled that off your spike, you can forget that too. The challenge was to write an article from scratch.

Believe it or not, I thought you did write your other OP. Not anymore. Rosa Parks and William Wilberforce have just done you in. There’s not a local reference or even an IDIOT in the entire article. You’re just trying to get the board off your back, but not one poster here could possibly believe you wrote that, and you know it.

You’ve just disqualified yourself from your own challenge. Not bad. I thought you’d at least play it out for a few days to pretend, but you’re too dumb to even do that.

Playing the high moral ground over what you will and won’t write clearly doesn’t extend to plagurism, and that’s the clearest sign you’re a fake. No "serious" writer would ever pass someone else’s work off as their own - Andrew Bolt excluded. We can call him a writer based on his pay grade if nothing else.

But Andrew Bolt you’re not. I’m sure the author of this piece will turn up. Until then, you’re done. You don’t even get another chance to try again. Based on this p1ss-weak attempt, we all know you wouldn’t anyway.

Monstrous fail of Gold Medal proportions, Longy. Your unmet challenge - and your unabashed plagurism - have just marked you as the biggest fake here.

Sorry, Longy. You’re done.
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Australian Politics

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Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #13 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:36pm
Karnal wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:31pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:44pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:42pm:
That’s cute, Longy. Which American writer did you get permission off to reprint that?

I wrote it. every word.

I’m sorry, Longy. It is so obvious you didn’t write that article, you’ve blown your last chance to redeem yourself.

You got this straight out of Time or Newsweek. Rosa Parks? You wouldn’t even know who she is.

The challenge was to write an article, not copy it. What’s with the reprinted with permission?

And if you’re pretending you pulled that off your spike, you can forget that too. The challenge was to write an article from scratch.

Believe it or not, I thought you did write your other OP. Not anymore. Rosa Parks and William Wilberforce have just done you in. There’s not a local reference or even an IDIOT in the entire article. You’re just trying to get the board off your back, but not one poster here could possibly believe you wrote that, and you know it.

You’ve just disqualified yourself from your own challenge. Not bad. I thought you’d at least play it out for a few days to pretend, but you’re too dumb to even do that.

Playing the high moral ground over what you will and won’t write clearly doesn’t extend to plagurism, and that’s the clearest sign you’re a fake. No "serious" writer would ever pass someone else’s work off as their own - Andrew Bolt excluded. We can call him a writer based on his pay grade if nothing else.

But Andrew Bolt you’re not. I’m sure the author of this piece will turn up. Until then, you’re done. You don’t even get another chance to try again. Based on this p1ss-weak attempt, we all know you wouldn’t anyway.

Monstrous fail of Gold Medal proportions, Longy. Your unmet challenge - and your unabashed plagurism - have just marked you as the biggest fake here.

Sorry, Longy. You’re done.

well, well, well... that is the longest SURRENDER I've read in a long, long time.

I understand you think I didn't write it because it is pretty good, despite being rushed off in about an hour. Google your life away and see if you can find any reference to the article ANYWHERE. 

I dont know how you fell for this so easily. The intention was always to write well in an environment where crap doesnt even stand out and so much so that people 'couldnt beleive it'.  I expect it from Aussie who is a dimwit at the best of times, but I thought you might be a better adversary. I was wrong. You are easily intimidated by talent, be it maths or literature.

I will give you a hint. google the 'esteemed professor'.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Australian Politics

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Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #14 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:37pm
Karnal wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:31pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:44pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 5:42pm:
That’s cute, Longy. Which American writer did you get permission off to reprint that?

I wrote it. every word.

I’m sorry, Longy. It is so obvious you didn’t write that article, you’ve blown your last chance to redeem yourself.

You got this straight out of Time or Newsweek. Rosa Parks? You wouldn’t even know who she is.

The challenge was to write an article, not copy it. What’s with the reprinted with permission?

And if you’re pretending you pulled that off your spike, you can forget that too. The challenge was to write an article from scratch.

Believe it or not, I thought you did write your other OP. Not anymore. Rosa Parks and William Wilberforce have just done you in. There’s not a local reference or even an IDIOT in the entire article. You’re just trying to get the board off your back, but not one poster here could possibly believe you wrote that, and you know it.

You’ve just disqualified yourself from your own challenge. Not bad. I thought you’d at least play it out for a few days to pretend, but you’re too dumb to even do that.

Playing the high moral ground over what you will and won’t write clearly doesn’t extend to plagurism, and that’s the clearest sign you’re a fake. No "serious" writer would ever pass someone else’s work off as their own - Andrew Bolt excluded. We can call him a writer based on his pay grade if nothing else.

But Andrew Bolt you’re not. I’m sure the author of this piece will turn up. Until then, you’re done. You don’t even get another chance to try again. Based on this p1ss-weak attempt, we all know you wouldn’t anyway.

Monstrous fail of Gold Medal proportions, Longy. Your unmet challenge - and your unabashed plagurism - have just marked you as the biggest fake here.

Sorry, Longy. You’re done.

LOL... I guess you needed to google Rosa Parks yourself!

this is rather unexpectedly funny!
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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