mothra wrote on Aug 25
th, 2015 at 5:18pm:
I posted more than one link Maria. Didn't you read the other? It was from a science journal. Not good enough for you?
Would you like some more links to ignore? Plenty out there.
You haven't posted any links that show that gay 'marriage' has a long history of acceptance and social recognition - because it is doesn't. For example, the African weddings of widows by their aunts, an exampl;e one of your links trotted out, was not a sexual relationship but one for the protection of the widow and her children.
Gay 'marriage' is an idea that is about 20 years old. Before that, any gay 'marriage' was enacted as a mockery of marriage. Do remember that 'gay' itself is a very recent invention, no older than about a hundred years.
The idea of gay 'marriage' comes up with the Pill - sex and its fundamental biological function were finally separated. Sex could become a lifestyle and its re-generative function could be separated out. Sex became just f***g for the sake of it. Which is what gays do, no regard - no possible regard - for regeneration.
Two NZ friends got married recently. Gays are horrified: the two blokes are best mates and they are both heterosexual. Gays are angry with them for not f***g each other!!! How debased and stupid - and how revealing about the gay bigots' agenda.
"Otago University Students' Association Queer Support co-ordinator Neill Ballantyne, of Dunedin, said the wedding was an"insult" because marriage equality was a"hard fought" battle for gay people.
"Something like this trivialises what we fought for." The competition promoted the marriage of two men as something negative,"as something outrageous that you'd never consider", Mr Ballantyne said."
Gays can trivialise marriage. Anyone trivialising gay 'marriage', on the other hand, should beware of the fury of offended homosexual bigots. Two blokes getting married without any intention to bugger each other is an 'insult' to gay 'marriage'. Here's proof that homosexual sex is now compulsory, lest you want to 'insult' homosexuals.