Gnads wrote on Aug 26
th, 2015 at 6:48pm:
And while the self acclaimed academic wankers here prattle on about gay marriage ... the world keeps turning & churning out far more serious concerns to us all.
And do you know? This is my only argument against gay marriage. Human rights issues are things like child soldiers, or indentured labour, or forced prostitution, or people trafficking, or slavery. The developing world must be having a jolly good chuckle at our human rights issues.
But it is what it is. The old boy would have you believe gay marriage would make his marriage (and divorce) feel somehow inferior. Gay marriage would go against
his human right to be not lumped in with all the deviants.
You know, the deviants are vilifying him, bullying him -
offending him and all normal people.
Personally, I find the whole thing dazzingly self indulgent. I don’t mind if there’s gay marriage or not. Nor do many of the gays I know - it seems to me that the very benefit of being gay is to not have to settle down with one person until you die.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
This thread exists because Longy didn’t want to write an essay on gay
incest. It’s taken a few turns, but that’s all it is. One of these turns is the response to Mothra’s facts. Some people want to deny reality, and I think this is a mistake.
More than a mistake, it’s vanity. Mistakes are stupid. The hubris expressed here is mendacious. Deny history, and you deny part of yourself - this is what such arrogant willful ignorance is all about. History is not the present. It has surprisingly different values and ideas. As Quantum has pointed out, gay marriage in the case of Nero was an extention of slavery, but so was most marriage in traditional cultures. The idea of marriage as a partnership between two equals is a modern construct. It’s not much more than a century old.
Viewing the past from this perspective is vain, arrogant and ignorant. I couldn’t give two figs about gay marriage, but at least try to get your facts right. Life is full of unpleasant truths. I can think of far worse ones than not being allowed to own a certificate - or someone else being allowed to own one.
The only way to deal with such truths - past and present - is to acknowledge them.