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In defence of Gay Marriage (Read 42857 times)
Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 96815
Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #510 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:57pm
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 6:27pm:
John Smith wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 6:10pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 5:09pm:
John Smith wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 4:34pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 4:11pm:
or is it a bit of a ferfe

not as much of a ferfe as claiming most of them only did it once.

What's wrong with you people? Did you all skip English classes?
At least sets a minimum number of times, not a maximum ... all you know is that they've done it at least once. They may actually do it every single day of their lives, they would still fall under the category of 'at least once'.

Your starting to catch on, would you say 40% of the population would practice that act, remembering it is the intent of your words that mean anything not the stats.

yes, 40% of the population practices the act. The article I provided proves that

70% of aids diagnosed is due to homosexual men, throw that in the equation, probably not stats that come from a  drunken one of, my main concern is normalizing a behavior that belongs to 1% of the population by way of marriage corrupts the vulnerable. by claiming 40% of the population practice a certain act by some distortion of statistics lacks basic morality.

No, dear, 70% of AIDS diagnosed is married men smacking prostitutes.

Ever heard of Africa?

AIDS is on the way out in the developed world. In Australia, free condoms and syringes saw AIDS rapidly decline. Today, hardly anyone with HIV contracts AIDS, thanks to antivirals.

AIDS is now a predominantly heterosexual disease, as every tinted schoolboy knows.
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 96815
Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #511 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:58pm
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:56pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:52pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:48pm:
Gay clubs even have lube dispensers in their toilets.

Oh my goodness, no!

Not lube!

Which clubs do you frequent, by the way (Sir Booby asked me to ask you)?
I really couldn't give a rats ass who is gay or not gay. But their communities have a heavy culture of sex. It's just a fact.

Are you free, Mr Humphreys?
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Australian Politics

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Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #512 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:59pm
Scenario: you grandkids go to school one day and get told to accept lady boys transvestites gay half man half woman no gender queer lesbian gay as being normal because we have a new marriage act. Can you honestly say this will have no negative impact, you don't know. It will certainly change things. I personally think they have enough of the denigrating society to deal with.
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John Smith
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Australian Politics

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Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #513 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:59pm
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:37pm:
the abnormal behavior of 2% of the population is thrust apon 99% of the most vulnerable of the population

really? you think if they allow gay marriage, you'll have no choice but to marry your boyfriend?  Grin Grin Grin

How is it 'thrust upon you' exactly? Who bobby marries has absolutely nothing to do with you, irrespective of whether he marries Rhino or Maria.
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Mr Hammer
Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 25212
Gender: male
Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #514 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:00pm
Karnal wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:57pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 6:27pm:
John Smith wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 6:10pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 5:09pm:
John Smith wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 4:34pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 4:11pm:
or is it a bit of a ferfe

not as much of a ferfe as claiming most of them only did it once.

What's wrong with you people? Did you all skip English classes?
At least sets a minimum number of times, not a maximum ... all you know is that they've done it at least once. They may actually do it every single day of their lives, they would still fall under the category of 'at least once'.

Your starting to catch on, would you say 40% of the population would practice that act, remembering it is the intent of your words that mean anything not the stats.

yes, 40% of the population practices the act. The article I provided proves that

70% of aids diagnosed is due to homosexual men, throw that in the equation, probably not stats that come from a  drunken one of, my main concern is normalizing a behavior that belongs to 1% of the population by way of marriage corrupts the vulnerable. by claiming 40% of the population practice a certain act by some distortion of statistics lacks basic morality.

No, dear, 70% of AIDS diagnosed is married men smacking prostitutes.

Ever heard of Africa?

AIDS is on the way out in the developed world. In Australia, free condoms and syringes saw AIDS rapidly decline. Today, hardly anyone with HIV contracts AIDS, thanks to antivirals.

AIDS is now a predominantly heterosexual disease, as every tinted schoolboy knows.
No dear. I'm talking about the western world by burqa beauty. Roll Eyes Show us the stats for that. Particularly Australia.
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John Smith
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Australian Politics

Posts: 75361
Gender: male
Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #515 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:00pm
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:59pm:
Scenario: you grandkids go to school one day and get told to accept lady boys transvestites gay half man half woman no gender queer lesbian gay as being normal because we have a new marriage act. Can you honestly say this will have no negative impact, you don't know. It will certainly change things. I personally think they have enough of the denigrating society to deal with.

are you worried that if that were to happen, your grandkids would turn gay?
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 140017
Gender: male
Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #516 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:03pm
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:56pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:52pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:48pm:
Gay clubs even have lube dispensers in their toilets.

Oh my goodness, no!

Not lube!

Which clubs do you frequent, by the way (Sir Booby asked me to ask you)?
I really couldn't give a rats ass who is gay or not gay. But their communities have a heavy culture of sex. It's just a fact.

Sex!?  Oh my goodness!

So, now you're saying sex is "abnormal behaviour"?


It sounds to me like you're just a tad jealous.

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Mr Hammer
Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 25212
Gender: male
Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #517 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:04pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:03pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:56pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:52pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:48pm:
Gay clubs even have lube dispensers in their toilets.

Oh my goodness, no!

Not lube!

Which clubs do you frequent, by the way (Sir Booby asked me to ask you)?
I really couldn't give a rats ass who is gay or not gay. But their communities have a heavy culture of sex. It's just a fact.

Sex!?  Oh my goodness!

So, now you're saying sex is "abnormal behaviour"?


It sounds to me like you're just a tad jealous.

Getting chocked up the butthole 40  times a week is. Gays are root rats who don't like condoms.
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Mr Hammer
Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 25212
Gender: male
Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #518 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:06pm
HIV statistics in Australia

An estimated 25,313 people in Australia live with HIV. In 2014, 1,025 people were diagnosed with HIV, with the majority of new HIV diagnoses  (68%) occurring among gay and bisexual men.

The number of new HIV  diagnoses in Australia has remained stable over the past three years, with just over 1,000 new cases of cases of HIV being diagnosed each year from 2013-2015.

Australia's HIV response is evidence based, and annual reports on HIV data inform the development of strategies to minimise HIV transmission and support people living with HIV.

Annual reports on Australian HIV surveillance data have been published each year since 1997 by the Kirby Institute.

The information on this page is drawn from the HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia Annual Surveillance Report 2016.

Data snapshot

(For the year ending 31 December 2015).

Total diagnoses: By 31 December 2015, 36,171 cases of HIV had been diagnosed in Australia since the first diagnoses in 1984.

People with HIV: At the end of 2015, an estimated 25,313 people were living with HIV in Australia, of whom an estimated 2,619 (10%) were unaware of their HIV-positive status.

Of the 1025 people diagnosed with HIV in 2015, 915 (89%) are men. Among 205 infants born to HIV-positive mothers in the years 2011 - 2015, the transmission rate to newborns was 1.5%.

Late diagnosis: Tests for immune function determined that over a quarter (29%) of new HIV diagnoses in Australia in 2015 were diagnosed late (i.e. among people likely to have been living with HIV for at least four years without being tested).

HIV diagnoses: In 2015, 1,025 people were newly diagnosed with HIV in Australia.

The annual number of new HIV diagnoses gradually increased over the past 15 years, from 719 diagnoses in 1999 to 1,081 in 2012.

The number of new HIV diagnoses in Australia has stabilised over the past three years, with 1,028 cases in 2013; 1,081 cases in 2014; and 1,025 in 2015.

The stabilisation of new diagnoses since 2012 is largely attributable to a doubling of HIV testing rates in Australia and efforts to encourage earlier access to HIV treatments; this has been driven by increasing evidence about improved health outcomes for people with HIV who access antiretroviral treatment early and a reduced risk of onward transmission of HIV for people on antiretroviral treatment.

Treatments access: Of the estimated 22,694 (90%) people with HIV in Australia who were aware of their HIV-positive status at end of 2015, an estimated 19,051 (84%) were receiving antiretroviral (ARV) treatment. 92% of people accessing ARV treatment were estimated to have an undetectable viral load.

These figures compare well to the UN '90-90-90' targets i.e., that by 2020, 90% of people living with HIV know their status, 90% of people diagnosed with HIV are on treatment, and 90% of people on treatment have suppressed viral loads.

HIV transmission: HIV continues to be transmitted primarily among men who have sex with men.

In 2015:

68% of transmissions occurred among men who have sex with men
5% of transmissions were attributed to either male-to-male sex and injecting drug use
20% of transmissions were attributed to heterosexual sex
3% of transmissions were attributed to injecting drug use, and
for 4% of transmissions, the mode of transmission was undetermined

More info on men
More info on women

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people:
Among the total of 1,025 notifications of newly diagnosed HIV infection reported in 2015, 38 were identified as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.
Between 2013 - 2015, the notification rate of newly diagnosed HIV infection was higher for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population compared to the non-Indigenous Australian-born population (6.8 vs. 5.9 per 100 000 in 2015).
The notification rates of newly diagnosed HIV infection in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population are based on small numbers, and may reflect localised occurrences rather than national patterns.
In the five-year period 2011 - 2015, a higher proportion of notifications of newly diagnosed HIV infection among the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population were attributed to injecting drug use (16% vs. 3%) and heterosexual sex (21% vs. 14%) .
Based on tests for immune function, in 2015 a third (30%) of the new HIV diagnoses among the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population were determined to be late, in that they were in people who were likely to have had the infection for at least 4 years without being tested.

The higher rate of HIV diagnosis in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the past five years requires a strengthened focus on prevention in this vulnerable population.

People from high HIV prevalence countries: In addition to the 1,025 newly diagnosed cases of HIV in 2015, there were 218 HIV cases previously diagnosed overseas with a confirmatory test conducted in Australia.

Around 25% of all diagnoses between 2009 and 2013 (more recent data not available) were among people born in countries with high rates of HIV. A large proportion of these diagnoses were among heterosexuals.

Among 201 cases of HIV diagnosed in 2014 and attributed to heterosexual sex, 36% were in people born in countries recognised by UNAIDS as having a national HIV prevalence above 1%, and 16% were in people with sexual partners who were born in these countries.
AIDS diagnoses: The annual numbe
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 96815
Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #519 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:07pm
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:00pm:
Karnal wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:57pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 6:27pm:
John Smith wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 6:10pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 5:09pm:
John Smith wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 4:34pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 4:11pm:
or is it a bit of a ferfe

not as much of a ferfe as claiming most of them only did it once.

What's wrong with you people? Did you all skip English classes?
At least sets a minimum number of times, not a maximum ... all you know is that they've done it at least once. They may actually do it every single day of their lives, they would still fall under the category of 'at least once'.

Your starting to catch on, would you say 40% of the population would practice that act, remembering it is the intent of your words that mean anything not the stats.

yes, 40% of the population practices the act. The article I provided proves that

70% of aids diagnosed is due to homosexual men, throw that in the equation, probably not stats that come from a  drunken one of, my main concern is normalizing a behavior that belongs to 1% of the population by way of marriage corrupts the vulnerable. by claiming 40% of the population practice a certain act by some distortion of statistics lacks basic morality.

No, dear, 70% of AIDS diagnosed is married men smacking prostitutes.

Ever heard of Africa?

AIDS is on the way out in the developed world. In Australia, free condoms and syringes saw AIDS rapidly decline. Today, hardly anyone with HIV contracts AIDS, thanks to antivirals.

AIDS is now a predominantly heterosexual disease, as every tinted schoolboy knows.
No dear. I'm talking about the western world by burqa beauty. Roll Eyes Show us the stats for that. Particularly Australia.

No, dear, you show Mother. Go on, there's an excercise for you. Go and find the statistics on current AIDS populations. I don't think you've ever presented a fact or a stat or a reference on this site, and every time I show you one, you disappear.

I predict this: you won't show a sausage.

Miam miam indeed, eh?
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 140017
Gender: male
Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #520 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:08pm
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:04pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:03pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:56pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:52pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:48pm:
Gay clubs even have lube dispensers in their toilets.

Oh my goodness, no!

Not lube!

Which clubs do you frequent, by the way (Sir Booby asked me to ask you)?
I really couldn't give a rats ass who is gay or not gay. But their communities have a heavy culture of sex. It's just a fact.

Sex!?  Oh my goodness!

So, now you're saying sex is "abnormal behaviour"?


It sounds to me like you're just a tad jealous.

Getting chocked up the butthole 40  times a week is. Gays are root rats who don't like condoms.

Not all of them, Homo.

An awful lot of gay men never let a penis anywhere near their butt holes (Sir Booby being the exception, of course).

Moreover, gay women never let a penis near their butt hole.

You seem to be on very shaky ground, my boy.

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Mr Hammer
Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 25212
Gender: male
Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #521 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:09pm
Karnal wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:07pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:00pm:
Karnal wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:57pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 6:27pm:
John Smith wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 6:10pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 5:09pm:
John Smith wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 4:34pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 4:11pm:
or is it a bit of a ferfe

not as much of a ferfe as claiming most of them only did it once.

What's wrong with you people? Did you all skip English classes?
At least sets a minimum number of times, not a maximum ... all you know is that they've done it at least once. They may actually do it every single day of their lives, they would still fall under the category of 'at least once'.

Your starting to catch on, would you say 40% of the population would practice that act, remembering it is the intent of your words that mean anything not the stats.

yes, 40% of the population practices the act. The article I provided proves that

70% of aids diagnosed is due to homosexual men, throw that in the equation, probably not stats that come from a  drunken one of, my main concern is normalizing a behavior that belongs to 1% of the population by way of marriage corrupts the vulnerable. by claiming 40% of the population practice a certain act by some distortion of statistics lacks basic morality.

No, dear, 70% of AIDS diagnosed is married men smacking prostitutes.

Ever heard of Africa?

AIDS is on the way out in the developed world. In Australia, free condoms and syringes saw AIDS rapidly decline. Today, hardly anyone with HIV contracts AIDS, thanks to antivirals.

AIDS is now a predominantly heterosexual disease, as every tinted schoolboy knows.
No dear. I'm talking about the western world by burqa beauty. Roll Eyes Show us the stats for that. Particularly Australia.

No, dear, you show Mother. Go on, there's an excercise for you. Go and find the statistics on current AIDS populations. I don't think you've ever presented a fact or a stat or a reference on this site, and every time I show you one, you disappear.

I predict this: you won't show a sausage.

Miam miam indeed, eh?
Now that was fa rking stupid! wasn't it. Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 96815
Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #522 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:11pm
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:06pm:
HIV statistics in Australia

An estimated 25,313 people in Australia live with HIV. In 2014, 1,025 people were diagnosed with HIV, with the majority of new HIV diagnoses  (68%) occurring among gay and bisexual men.

The number of new HIV  diagnoses in Australia has remained stable over the past three years, with just over 1,000 new cases of cases of HIV being diagnosed each year from 2013-2015.

Australia's HIV response is evidence based, and annual reports on HIV data inform the development of strategies to minimise HIV transmission and support people living with HIV.

Annual reports on Australian HIV surveillance data have been published each year since 1997 by the Kirby Institute.

The information on this page is drawn from the HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia Annual Surveillance Report 2016.

Data snapshot

(For the year ending 31 December 2015).

Total diagnoses: By 31 December 2015, 36,171 cases of HIV had been diagnosed in Australia since the first diagnoses in 1984.

People with HIV: At the end of 2015, an estimated 25,313 people were living with HIV in Australia, of whom an estimated 2,619 (10%) were unaware of their HIV-positive status.

Of the 1025 people diagnosed with HIV in 2015, 915 (89%) are men. Among 205 infants born to HIV-positive mothers in the years 2011 - 2015, the transmission rate to newborns was 1.5%.

Late diagnosis: Tests for immune function determined that over a quarter (29%) of new HIV diagnoses in Australia in 2015 were diagnosed late (i.e. among people likely to have been living with HIV for at least four years without being tested).

HIV diagnoses: In 2015, 1,025 people were newly diagnosed with HIV in Australia.

The annual number of new HIV diagnoses gradually increased over the past 15 years, from 719 diagnoses in 1999 to 1,081 in 2012.

The number of new HIV diagnoses in Australia has stabilised over the past three years, with 1,028 cases in 2013; 1,081 cases in 2014; and 1,025 in 2015.

The stabilisation of new diagnoses since 2012 is largely attributable to a doubling of HIV testing rates in Australia and efforts to encourage earlier access to HIV treatments; this has been driven by increasing evidence about improved health outcomes for people with HIV who access antiretroviral treatment early and a reduced risk of onward transmission of HIV for people on antiretroviral treatment.

Treatments access: Of the estimated 22,694 (90%) people with HIV in Australia who were aware of their HIV-positive status at end of 2015, an estimated 19,051 (84%) were receiving antiretroviral (ARV) treatment. 92% of people accessing ARV treatment were estimated to have an undetectable viral load.

These figures compare well to the UN '90-90-90' targets i.e., that by 2020, 90% of people living with HIV know their status, 90% of people diagnosed with HIV are on treatment, and 90% of people on treatment have suppressed viral loads.

HIV transmission: HIV continues to be transmitted primarily among men who have sex with men.

In 2015:

68% of transmissions occurred among men who have sex with men
5% of transmissions were attributed to either male-to-male sex and injecting drug use
20% of transmissions were attributed to heterosexual sex
3% of transmissions were attributed to injecting drug use, and
for 4% of transmissions, the mode of transmission was undetermined

More info on men
More info on women

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people:
Among the total of 1,025 notifications of newly diagnosed HIV infection reported in 2015, 38 were identified as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.
Between 2013 - 2015, the notification rate of newly diagnosed HIV infection was higher for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population compared to the non-Indigenous Australian-born population (6.8 vs. 5.9 per 100 000 in 2015).
The notification rates of newly diagnosed HIV infection in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population are based on small numbers, and may reflect localised occurrences rather than national patterns.
In the five-year period 2011 - 2015, a higher proportion of notifications of newly diagnosed HIV infection among the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population were attributed to injecting drug use (16% vs. 3%) and heterosexual sex (21% vs. 14%) .
Based on tests for immune function, in 2015 a third (30%) of the new HIV diagnoses among the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population were determined to be late, in that they were in people who were likely to have had the infection for at least 4 years without being tested.

The higher rate of HIV diagnosis in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the past five years requires a strengthened focus on prevention in this vulnerable population.

People from high HIV prevalence countries: In addition to the 1,025 newly diagnosed cases of HIV in 2015, there were 218 HIV cases previously diagnosed overseas with a confirmatory test conducted in Australia.

Around 25% of all diagnoses between 2009 and 2013 (more recent data not available) were among people born in countries with high rates of HIV. A large proportion of these diagnoses were among heterosexuals.

Among 201 cases of HIV diagnosed in 2014 and attributed to heterosexual sex, 36% were in people born in countries recognised by UNAIDS as having a national HIV prevalenc

I rest my case. You can't even quote an article.
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 96815
Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #523 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:13pm
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:09pm:
Karnal wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:07pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:00pm:
Karnal wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 7:57pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 6:27pm:
John Smith wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 6:10pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 5:09pm:
John Smith wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 4:34pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 6th, 2017 at 4:11pm:
or is it a bit of a ferfe

not as much of a ferfe as claiming most of them only did it once.

What's wrong with you people? Did you all skip English classes?
At least sets a minimum number of times, not a maximum ... all you know is that they've done it at least once. They may actually do it every single day of their lives, they would still fall under the category of 'at least once'.

Your starting to catch on, would you say 40% of the population would practice that act, remembering it is the intent of your words that mean anything not the stats.

yes, 40% of the population practices the act. The article I provided proves that

70% of aids diagnosed is due to homosexual men, throw that in the equation, probably not stats that come from a  drunken one of, my main concern is normalizing a behavior that belongs to 1% of the population by way of marriage corrupts the vulnerable. by claiming 40% of the population practice a certain act by some distortion of statistics lacks basic morality.

No, dear, 70% of AIDS diagnosed is married men smacking prostitutes.

Ever heard of Africa?

AIDS is on the way out in the developed world. In Australia, free condoms and syringes saw AIDS rapidly decline. Today, hardly anyone with HIV contracts AIDS, thanks to antivirals.

AIDS is now a predominantly heterosexual disease, as every tinted schoolboy knows.
No dear. I'm talking about the western world by burqa beauty. Roll Eyes Show us the stats for that. Particularly Australia.

No, dear, you show Mother. Go on, there's an excercise for you. Go and find the statistics on current AIDS populations. I don't think you've ever presented a fact or a stat or a reference on this site, and every time I show you one, you disappear.

I predict this: you won't show a sausage.

Miam miam indeed, eh?
Now that was fa rking stupid! wasn't it. Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

And you can't even reference one.
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 140017
Gender: male
Re: In defence of Gay Marriage
Reply #524 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 8:14pm

For Mr Hammer and all the other uneducated homophobes out there, I have a very simple question.

Assuming that you are right (and let's face it, you never are), and that only men are homosexuals and that all of them spend 24 hours of each and every day taking turns rogering each other up the poop chute and thus spreading AIDS in the air to each and every school in Australia, how will banning gay marriage make any difference?

I'm curious.
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