Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6 th, 2017 at 8:49pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6 th, 2017 at 8:46pm: Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6 th, 2017 at 8:42pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6 th, 2017 at 8:38pm: Gordon wrote on Jan 6 th, 2017 at 8:34pm: Karnal wrote on Jan 6 th, 2017 at 8:28pm: Gordon wrote on Jan 6 th, 2017 at 8:17pm: Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6 th, 2017 at 8:04pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6 th, 2017 at 8:03pm: Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6 th, 2017 at 7:56pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6 th, 2017 at 7:52pm: Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 6 th, 2017 at 7:48pm: Gay clubs even have lube dispensers in their toilets. Oh my goodness, no! Not lube! Which clubs do you frequent, by the way (Sir Booby asked me to ask you)? I really couldn't give a rats ass who is gay or not gay. But their communities have a heavy culture of sex. It's just a fact. Sex!? Oh my goodness! So, now you're saying sex is "abnormal behaviour"? Seriously? It sounds to me like you're just a tad jealous. Getting chocked up the butthole 40 times a week is. Gays are root rats who don't like condoms. They're as promiscuous as just about any guy who has unlimited girl pulling power is. Movie stars, high profile musicians etc almost root themselves to death. Faggs are promiscuous because they can be. There was a story doing the rounds a few years ago, apparently a change room in the CBD David Jones was a gay beat and if there was a certain item/colour of clothing hanging on the door, it meant there was a fag inside wanting his freckle punched. When you were single young bloke, if you knew you could get random sex any time of the day from a decent looking chick without even having to talk or buy her a Bacardi and Coke, would you Now now, Gordon. You've tried it. You know. I had a GF from my late teens until I was 20 then broke up, and had a drought for a year where my nuts nearly exploded. I knew a few gaybos then. If I had the slightest inclination to get blowy from a dude, I'd have been on it in a flash. Close your eyes and think of George Michael. That's what Sir Booby does. He killed himself ... Don't speak too soon, Homo. You know you have a habit of prematurely blowing your wad, so to speak. They are now looking at the possibility of foul play. Homicide detectives are involved. Anyway, that's besides the point: if Sir Booby can do it, so can Gordy. The word is he had a drug overdose and he'd attempted suicide a few times. Getting this wrong is nothing compared to the asshole you made of yourself concerning Trump and the bet you failed to honour. "A BRITISH major crime squad has taken over the investigation into George Michael’s death, according to reports."
" ... detectives from the Thames Valley Police Major Crime Unit, whose cases include rapes and murders, have now been called in to the probe after a post-mortem proved inconclusive."Oh dear, I've made Homo look like an uneducated, ignorant buffoon once again.