Bobby. wrote on Jan 7
th, 2017 at 7:58am:
WN wrote on Jan 7
th, 2017 at 7:52am:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 7
th, 2017 at 7:50am:
Why don't we petition for those behaviours to be legalised? Could it be we find them objectionable? That's how many people feel about homosexuality. Where you and your luvvie friends drawn the line is different to where many others have drawn the line. Just have the plebiscite and be done with it.
They're too scared to run the plebiscite because they know that most people will vote against fags getting married.
The silent majority hates these freaks.
hear hear,
what they do is disgusting & should be outlawed.
Ah, Booby-the-Gutless has returned.
Maybe the little coward will answer my question this time.
Homosexuals love each other, kiss, hold hands, have sex, go to work, buy houses, watch TV, have the occasional fight, and enjoy fine food and wine.
You know booby, all the things that heterosexual people do.
So, what is it that they do that's "disgusting", Booby?
Grow a set of balls and answer the question.