... wrote on Jul 17
th, 2015 at 12:46pm:
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jul 17
th, 2015 at 12:14pm:
New Zealand is progressive like that.
I bet they have Euthanasia before we do too.
Its not because theyre "progressive" its because there are quite a few faafafines living there. Samoans have boys, girls and faafas who are boys that are raised as girls. They are however a laughing stock, even amongst their fellow samoans.
In Asia transgender people, particularly males dressed as and living as females are not uncommon. I have seen many in Thailand particularly shop assistants and restaurant workers.
The ugliest one I ever saw was in Halifax Canada.
"... In Samoa, gender identity is largely based on a person's role in the family and if one family has numerous sons and no daughters, it's not uncommon to raise one of the boys as a girl.
In fact, being a Fa'afaine or the practice of males adopting female gender roles and the attributes traditionally associated with women is deeply embedded in much of Polynesia.
Some Polynesian elders believe there are boys born with the “Fa'afafine spirit,” while others say it can be nurtured.
Boys like Leo Tanoi, who don't feel the Fa'afafine spirit, may be nominated as the Fafa in a family of all boys but Leo says that doesn't always work out for the best.
“Quite a lot of the memories I have related to this is all the physical abuse,” he says..."