mothra wrote on Jul 17
th, 2015 at 9:01pm:
rhino wrote on Jul 17
th, 2015 at 8:54pm:
One thing I have observed directly that men do better at than women is conflict resolution, in fact women tend to make volatile situations much worse. This is true for butch women as well. I am trying to think of something that women are better at than men. Emotional manipulation springs to mind.
Actually, the frontal lobe, responsible for problem-solving and decision-making, and the limbic cortex, responsible for regulating emotions, are larger in women.
Women are better at problem resolution ... generally.
Maybe you just really irritate us?
wrong. Nothing to suggest that at all. Functionally different perhaps.
Quote:efore, I wrote about gender difference in empathy and other neurobiological subjects. Mark the word difference, not superior or inferior, not better of worse, just different. Reading the book “The New Executive Brain, frontal lobes in a complex world” I came across an interesting chapter about gender differences in cognitive styles and frontal lobes.
Men and women differ in decision making strategy. They tested humans with the cognitive bias test for decision making. In this test you’re presented with three geometric forms. One target and two choices. You’re asked after showing the target geometric figure which of the other two you “liked the most”. Women tend to choose more context independent, meaning that they mostly choose the other figures based on stable preferences. They always picked blue or red, square or circle. Men choose context dependent, meaning they match their choice to the target. As the targets changed so did their choices. Although their was an overlap between the two curves the difference between gender was robust and significant.