Armchair_Politician wrote on Jul 18
th, 2015 at 11:36am:
greed. But if a politician - any politician - can't see the folly in charging taxpayers $5k or so for an 80km helicopter ride, then I don't think they have a firm grasp on what the public expects of them. I also have to admit that Bishop has probably been one of the most biased Speakers in recent times. At first I thought it was fun, giving Labor a bit of an upper-cut. But now it's just distracting from the work the government is trying to get done and they have enough problems without having to deal with allegations of bias in the Speaker. If you ask me, the Speaker should not be an elected official. It ought to be a position independent of any political party that must be applied for, just like the Clerks of the House and so on. It's the only real way to have any semblance of impartiality.
absolutely I said it since the beginning she is wrong was wrong.. but the way Labor has leapt on this is astounding
to watch Bowen pontificating in shortens place...because he knew shortarse couldnt step up and say we want a police investigation knowing full well only a few days before he had tried to cover up a $40.000 electoral that SMACKS of conflict of interest.. if he should ever reach the dizzy height of much work would flow to Unibilt..very awkward
imagine if that was Abbott he would be gone in a flash...
a Lib Premier went for a bottle of wine froma lobbyist
Unibilt is a company that supplies Labour.. a bit like Therese Rudd one can only presume...
isnt that a giant conflict of interest???...
does anyone with an y reason understand why bronny took that helicopter....I am sure she is asking that very question herself....but how many mistakes has she made??... are any of them equal to Bills???????
Corruption doesnt discriminate with a $ figure , be it a bottle of wine or 40k , they're public figures that take an oath to serve the electorate . Corruption is quite simply corruption , im for a federal ICAC but neither Lib or Labor are for obvious reasons.