It is entirely irrelevant who leads the opposition, they are not in Government. I know, that level of subtle difference will escape a few (demonstrably so).
What is far more concerning is the potentially fraudelent use of tax payer money to the tune of almost $100,000.00 by Mrs Bronwyn Bishop, the allegedly impartial speaker of the house who also, apparently, represents the Liberal Government (impartially of course...).
This $5000 is just a smoke screen, so is paying it back.
If she did not do the wrong thing, why would there be any need to reimburse treasury?
Please don't forget the (almost) $90,000.00 Mrs Bishops spent on her job interview in Europe. We also paid for that little failed venture. It would be bad enough if she had secured the job, but, even worse, she wasn't up to achieving a successful outcome in the job interview.
So, in short, who gives a toss about the leader of the opposition when the speaker of the house is throwing the entire parliament into disrepute and this is compounded when the Prime Minister says she has his full support.
The stand out here is that Gillian Triggs has lost the faith of the Government because of her honesty and integrity, Bronwyn Bishop has the faith of the Government because of her honesty and integrity. The ironcy, Ms Triggs' honesty and integrity is measured in positive numbers, Mrs Bishop's are measured in negative numbers.