double plus good wrote on Jul 20 th, 2015 at 6:01pm: mothra wrote on Jul 20 th, 2015 at 5:53pm: double plus good wrote on Jul 20 th, 2015 at 5:45pm: mothra wrote on Jul 20 th, 2015 at 5:40pm: double plus good wrote on Jul 20 th, 2015 at 5:37pm: mothra wrote on Jul 20 th, 2015 at 5:35pm: double plus good wrote on Jul 20 th, 2015 at 5:33pm: mothra wrote on Jul 20 th, 2015 at 5:24pm: double plus good wrote on Jul 20 th, 2015 at 5:15pm: Stratos wrote on Jul 20 th, 2015 at 4:54pm: UnSubRocky wrote on Jul 20 th, 2015 at 3:49pm: Having a 1488 written on a sign is no synonymous threat compared to signs inciting beheadings of people that don't believe the things the sign holders believe. You do know what it means don't you? while I agree that they are different, I honestly don't know which I find more repulsive. 1488= "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children". Is it different when aboriginal people say the same thing?? They say it all of the time. Yes it's different. Whites are in the majority and hold majority power. White supremacy by it's basic tenets means subjugation of people who are non-white. Further oppression and further entitlements for white people. Aboriginal people are just trying to get their heads above water. "All we want is to be able to think and do the same things as white people, while still retaining our identity as a people." PASTOR DOUG NICHOLLS . They want their identity. Why can't white people??? You do know that multiculturalism is going to impact white society in some of the same ways as aboriginal people were impacted??? Can't people talk about it?? Should we should just take what we're given hey? What is "white society" Double? I'm very interested to hear what you think needs to be preserved or protected about "white society"? Anglo/Celtic Australia I grew up with. My culture. Like how the Chinese have theirs. Like how aborigines have theirs. Anglo/celtic is just one part of white society Double. There are also whites of Germanic, Scandinavian, Eastern European, Mediterranean etc. persuasion. You're entitled to go to the Irish club if you want to. Don't make the mistake of thinking that has anything at all to do with being white. Be specific. What is it about being white you want to advance? Australians. Anglo/Celts. You know, the people who founded and built Australia. The people who the flag represents. I want my flag, my traditions to remain, my communities to stop getting displaced by migrant enclaves. You know, all the things Pastor Doug Nicholls was talking about. The aborigines didn't like white people rocking up in Australia , why should white people like aborigines rocking up in England?? This country was built on the back of migrant (from more than Anglo origins) and Aboriginal workers. We've been multi-cultural from the very start. Those are the people the flag represents. It represents. Vietnamese and Arabs; Eastern Europeans and Indians; Scandinavians and Chinese... and people from all over the world .. all represented by our flag. It's been that way for generations. Why do you think it only represents white people Double? You're not being displaced by migrant enclaves .. whites still hold the power. What more power do you want? Or is just that you are worried about keeping the power? White power? White people established and built Australia mothra. Multiculturalism is new to Australia's history. Having many migrants is only a new thing. Australia was 90% anglo/celt right up into recent times. I'm sorry to destroy the myth. Why has the flag got the union jack on it then? Why can't people love their heritage and want a secure future for their people? The aborigines are allowed to want that. These questions won't go away and Australia will have more protests into the future. It's just the world and how it's peoples are. There will never be a melting pot. Different peoples have lived in the middle east for 1,000's of years and they haven't melted together yet. Australia never would have got very far in the early days without Aboriginal help. That help continued long into our colonisation. They played pivotal roles in both world wars. European exploration and settlement of inland Australia depended heavily on the expertise of Muslim cameleers from Afghanistan and British India from the 1800's. Chinese immigrants, continental Europeans, Americans, New Zealanders and Souh Apcific immigrants all played a part in our development. You are talking strictly of people from Britain and Ireland. THese were indeed the majority but do not constitute "white" power. As i said, you are free to o to the local Irish club or enjoy your British heritage in any way you choose but to defend "whiteness" includes people from other places than that .. people who had little to do with the making of Australia yet you claim not to be threatened by because they are not tinted. To my knowledge, Scandinavians, for example, weren't big players in the development of Australia but they are very white and you have no problem with them. You are welcome to appreciate your heritage ... just don't base it on being white.